

Union Citizenship Representing Conceptual (Dis)continuities in EU Documents on Citizenship and Culture

Katja Mäkinen


HistorySociology and Political Sciencebusiness.industryasiakirjatmedia_common.quotation_subjectIdentity (social science)Gender studieskansalaisuusPublic relationsConceptual changeDemocracyPolitical scienceta517media_common.cataloged_instanceNationalityEuropean unionbusinessEUCitizenshipmedia_common


The question in this article is how citizenship is reinvented and recontextualized in a newly founded European Union after the launching of Union Citizenship. What kind of conceptions of citizenship are produced in this new and evolving organization? The research material consists of documents presented by EU organs from 1994 to 2007 concerning eight EU programs on citizenship and culture. I will analyze conceptual similarities (continuities) and differences (discontinuities) between these documents and previous conceptualizations in various contexts, including citizenship discussions in the history of integration since the 1970s as well as theories of democracy and nation-states. Based on the analysis of participation, rights, and identity as central dimensions of citizenship, I will discuss the relationship of Union Citizenship to democracy and nationality.
