Automatic aesthetic photo composition
Roberto Pirrone 6Edoardo Ardizzone 6Roberto Galleasubject
Settore ING-INF/05 - Sistemi Di Elaborazione Delle InformazioniComputer sciencebusiness.industryRetargetingFully automaticphoto composition retargeting visual saliencyOptimal combinationComputer visionArtificial intelligencebusinessCroppingComposition (language)Visual saliencydescription
A proper aesthetic composition of photographic content does result in an actual emotional response from the watcher. In this work we propose a fully automatic computational approach to photo composi- tion. This method takes into account well-known and widely adopted aesthetic guidelines relative to picture content as a mean for guiding an optimization framework. The resulting composition is produced as the optimal combination of cropping and retargeting. The effectiveness of the results achieved by the method are tested and evaluated with several of experiments.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2013-01-01 |