

Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of the Intrinsically Chiral 16-Electron Superatom Complex [Au20(PP3)4]4+

Lauri LehtovaaraStefan KnoppeHannu Häkkinen


ta114Condensed matter physicsAbsorption spectroscopyChemistrySuperatomCrystal structureElectronic structureCrystallographyCluster (physics)Density functional theoryElectron configurationPhysical and Theoretical ChemistryChirality (chemistry)ta116


The recently solved crystal structure of the [Au20(PP3)4]Cl4 cluster (PP3: tris(2-(diphenylphophino)ethyl)phosphine) is examined using density functional theory (DFT). The Au20 core of the cluster is intrinsically chiral by the arrangement of the Au atoms. This is in contrast to the chirality of thiolate-protected gold clusters, in which the protecting Au-thiolate units are arranged in chiral patterns on achiral cores. We interpret the electronic structure of the [Au20(PP3)4]Cl4 cluster in terms of the superatom complex model. The 16-electron cluster cannot be interpreted as a dimer of 8-electron clusters (which are magic). Instead, a superatomic electron configuration of 1S(2) 1P(6) 1D(6) 2S(2) is found. The 2S band is strongly stabilized, and the 1D states are nondegenerate with a large gap. Ligand protection of the (Au20)(4+) core leads to a significant increase of the HL-gap and thus stabilization. We also tested a charge of +II, which would give rise to an 18-electron superatom complex. Our results indicate that the 16-electron cluster is indeed more stable. We also investigate the optical properties of the cluster. The experimental absorption spectrum is well-reproduced by time-dependent DFT. Prominent transitions are analyzed by time-dependent density-functional perturbation theory. The intrinsic chirality of the cluster is compared to that of Au38(SR)24. We observe that the chiral arrangement of the protecting Au-SR units in Au38(SR)24 has very strong influence on the strength of the CD spectra, whereas phosphine protection in the title compound does not.
