

Nomi d’arte e soprannomi di cantautori, rapper e band della scena musicale siciliana

Roberto Sottile


Settore L-FIL-LET/12 - Linguistica ItalianaDialectal Songs Musicians’ and Bands’ Names Rappers’ Nicknames


Nowadays the names and bynames of pop-groups and musicians are more and more characterized by multiple, differentiated onomaturgical solutions which allow us to explore and comprehend current linguistic and cultural trends as well as the metalinguistic awareness/competence of authors and «users» of the music industry. On the one hand, as far as the national and international scenario is concerned, many names are based on a sort of game of mirrors: from personal names to place names and street names, from sign names to brand names, a lot of linguistic material «rebounds” on the names of singers and bands. On the other hand, as far as the Sicilian dialect song context is concerned, most names derive and develop both from (inter)national models and, above all, from the geolinguistic and geocultural background of the musicians themselves. In the latter case, place identity, a typical feature of dialect songs in Sicily, reverberates meaningfully on the artistic names and nicknames chosen by the authors to represent themselves.
