

Global mortality associated with 33 bacterial pathogens in 2019

Kevin S IkutaLucien R SwetschinskiGisela Robles AguilarFablina ShararaTomislav MestrovicAuthia P GrayNicole Davis WeaverEve E WoolChieh HanAnna Gershberg HayoonAmirali AaliSemagn Mekonnen AbateMohsen Abbasi-kangevariZeinab Abbasi-kangevariSherief Abd-elsalamGetachew AbebeAidin AbediAmir Parsa AbhariHassan AbidiRichard Gyan AboagyeAbdorrahim AbsalanHiwa Abubaker AliJuan Manuel AcunaTigist Demssew AdaneIsaac Yeboah AddoOyelola A AdegboyeMohammad AdnanQorinah Estiningtyas Sakilah AdnaniMuhammad Sohail AfzalSaira AfzalZahra Babaei AghdamBright Opoku AhinkorahAqeel AhmadAraz Ramazan AhmadRizwan AhmadSajjad AhmadSohail AhmadSepideh AhmadiAli AhmedHaroon AhmedJivan Qasim AhmedTarik Ahmed RashidMarjan AjamiBudi AjiMostafa Akbarzadeh-khiaviChisom Joyqueenet AkunnaHanadi Al HamadFares AlahdabZiyad Al-alyMamoon A AldeyabAlicia V AlemanFadwa Alhalaiqa Naji AlhalaiqaRobert Kaba AlhassanBeriwan Abdulqadir AliLiaqat AliSyed Shujait AliYousef AlimohamadiVahid AlipourAtiyeh AlizadehSyed Mohamed AljunidKasim AllelSami AlmustanyirEdward Kwabena AmeyawArianna Maever L AmitNivedita AnandavelaneRobert AncuceanuCatalina Liliana AndreiTudorel AndreiDewi AnggrainiAdnan AnsarAnayochukwu Edward AnyasodorJalal ArablooAleksandr Y AravkinDemelash AredaTimur AripovAnton A ArtamonovJudie ArulappanRaphael Taiwo ArulebaMuhammad AsaduzzamanTahira AshrafSeyyed Shamsadin AthariDaniel AtlawSameh AttiaMarcel AusloosTewachew AwokeBeatriz Paulina Ayala QuintanillaTegegn Mulatu AyanaSina AzadnajafabadAmirhossein Azari JafariDarshan B BMuhammad BadarAshish D BadiyeNayereh BaghcheghiSara BagheriehAtif Amin BaigIndrajit BanerjeeAleksandra BaracMainak BardhanFrancesco Barone-adesiHiba Jawdat BarqawiAmadou BarrowPritish BaskaranSaurav BasuAbdul-monim Mohammad BatihaNeeraj BediMelaku Ashagrie BeleteUzma Iqbal BelgaumiRose G BenderBharti BhandariDinesh BhandariPankaj BhardwajSonu BhaskarKrittika BhattacharyyaSuraj BhattaraiSaeid BitarafDanilo BuonsensoZahid A ButtFlorentino Luciano Caetano Dos SantosJiao CaiDaniela CalinaPaulo CamargosLuis Alberto CámeraRosario CárdenasMuge CevikJoshua ChadwickJaykaran CharanAkhilanand ChaurasiaPatrick R ChingSonali Gajanan ChoudhariEnayet Karim ChowdhuryFazle Rabbi ChowdhuryDinh-toi ChuIsaac Sunday ChukwuOmid DadrasFentaw Teshome DagnawXiaochen DaiSaswati DasAnna DastiridouSisay Abebe DebelaFitsum Wolde DemisseSolomon DemissieDiriba DerejeMsganaw DereseHardik Dineshbhai DesaiFikadu Nugusu DessalegnSamuel Abebe A DessalegniBelay DesyeKartik DhadukMeghnath DhimalSameer DhingraNancy DiaoDaniel DiazShirin DjalaliniaMilad DodangehDeepa DongarwarBezabih Terefe DoraFariba DorostkarHaneil Larson DsouzaEleonora DubljaninSusanna DunachieOyewole Christopher DurojaiyeHisham Atan EdinurHabtamu Bekele EjiguMichael EkholuenetaleTemitope Cyrus EkundayoHassan El-abidMuhammed ElhadiMohamed A ElmonemAmir EmamiLuchuo Engelbert BainDaniel Berhanie EnyewRyenchindorj ErkhembayarBabak EshratiFarshid EtaeeAdeniyi Francis FagbamigbeShahab FalahiAida FallahzadehEmerito Jose A FaraonAli FatehizadehGinenus FekaduJoão C FernandesAllegra FerrariGetahun FetensaIrina FilipFlorian FischerMasoud ForoutanPeter Andras GaalMuktar A GadanyaAbhay Motiramji GaidhaneBalasankar GanesanMesfin GebrehiwotReza GhanbariMohammad Ghasemi NourAhmad GhashghaeeAli GholamrezanezhadAbdolmajid GholizadehMahaveer GolechhaPouya GoleijDavide GolinelliAmador GoodridgeDamitha Asanga GunawardaneYuming GuoRajat Das GuptaSapna GuptaVeer Bala GuptaVivek Kumar GuptaAlemu GutaParham HabibzadehAtlas Haddadi AvvalRabih HalwaniAsif HanifMd. Abdul HannanHarapan HarapanShoaib HassanHadi HassankhaniKhezar HayatBehzad HeibatiGolnaz HeidariMohammad HeidariReza Heidari-soureshjaniClaudiu HerteliuDemisu Zenbaba HeyiKamal HezamPraveen HoogarNobuyuki HoritaMd Mahbub HossainMehdi HosseinzadehMihaela HostiucSorin HostiucSoodabeh HoveidamaneshJunjie HuangSalman HussainNawfal R HusseinSegun Emmanuel IbitoyeOlayinka Stephen IlesanmiIrena IlicMilena D IlicMohammad Tarique ImamMustapha ImmuranaLeeberk Raja InbarajArnaud IradukundaNahlah Elkudssiah IsmailChidozie C D IwuChinwe Juliana IwuLinda Merin JMihajlo JakovljevicElham JamshidiTahereh JavaheriFatemeh JavanmardiJavad JavidniaSathish Kumar JayapalUmesh JayarajahRime JebaiRavi Prakash JhaTamas JooNitin JosephFarahnaz JoukarJacek Jerzy JozwiakSalah Eddine Oussama KacimiVidya KadashettiLaleh R KalankeshRohollah KalhorVineet Kumar KamalHimal KandelNeeti KapoorSamad KarkhahBekalu Getnet KassaNicholas J KassebaumPatrick Dmc KatotoMohammad KeykhaeiHimanshu KhajuriaAbbas KhanImteyaz A KhanMaseer KhanMd Nuruzzaman KhanMoien Ab KhanMoawiah Mohammad KhatatbehMona M KhaterHamid Reza Khayat KashaniJagdish KhubchandaniHanna KimMin Seo KimRuth W KimokotiNiranjan KissoonSonali KochharFarzad KompaniSoewarta KosenParvaiz A KoulSindhura Lakshmi Koulmane LaxminarayanaFiorella Krapp LopezKewal KrishanVijay KrishnamoorthyVishnutheertha KulkarniNaveen KumarOm P KurmiAmbily KuttikkattuHmwe Hmwe KyuDharmesh Kumar LalJudit LámIván LandiresSavita LasradoSang-woong LeeJacopo LenziSonia LewyckaShanshan LiStephen S LimWei LiuRakesh LodhaMichael J LoftusAyush LohiyaLászló LorenzoviciMojgan LotfiAta MahmoodpoorMansour Adam MahmoudRazzagh MahmoudiAzeem MajeedJamal MajidpoorAlaa MakkiGalana Ayana MamoYosef ManlaMiquel MartorellClara N MateiBarney McmanigalEntezar Mehrabi NasabRavi MehrotraAddisu MeleseOliver Mendoza-canoRitesh G MenezesAlexios-fotios A MentisGeorgia MichaIrmina Maria MichalekAna Carolina Micheletti Gomide Nogueira De SáNeda Milevska KostovaShabir Ahmad MirMojgan MirghafourvandSeyyedmohammadsadeq MirmoeeniErkin M. MirrakhimovMohammad Mirza-aghazadeh-attariAbay Sisay MisganawAwoke MisganawSanjeev MisraEsmaeil MohammadiMokhtar MohammadiAbdollah Mohammadian-hafshejaniShafiu MohammedSyam MohanMohammad MohseniAli H MokdadSara MomtazmaneshLorenzo MonastaCatrin E MooreMaryam MoradiMostafa Moradi SarabiShane Douglas MorrisonMajid MotaghinejadHaleh Mousavi IsfahaniAmin Mousavi KhaneghahSeyed Ali Mousavi-aghdasSumaira MubarikFrancesk MulitaGetaneh Baye B MuluSandra B MunroSaravanan MuthupandianTapas Sadasivan NairAtta Abbas NaqviHimanshi NarangZuhair S NattoMuhammad NaveedBiswa Prakash NayakShumaila NazIonut NegoiSeyed Aria NejadghaderiSandhya Neupane KandelChe Henry NgwaRobina Khan NiaziAntonio Tolentino Nogueira De SáNafise NorooziHasti NouraeiAli NowrooziVirginia Nuñez-samudioJerry John NutorChimezie Igwegbe NzoputamOgochukwu Janet NzoputamBogdan OanceaRahman Md ObaidurVivek Anand OjhaAkinkunmi Paul OkekunleOsaretin Christabel OkonjiAndrew T OlagunjuBolajoko Olubukunola OlusanyaAhmed Omar BaliEmad OmerNikita OtstavnovBilcha OumerMahesh P AJagadish Rao PadubidriKeyvan PakshirTamás PaliczAdrian PanaShahina PardhanJose L ParedesUtsav ParekhEun-cheol ParkSeoyeon ParkAshish PathakRajan PaudelUttam PaudelShrikant PawarHamidreza Pazoki ToroudiMinjin PengUmberto PensatoVeincent Christian Filipino PepitoMarcos PereiraMario F P PeresNorberto PericoIonela-roxana PetcuZahra Zahid PirachaIndrashis PodderNayanum PokhrelRamesh PoluruMaarten J PostmaNaeimeh PourtaheriAkila PrashantIbrahim QatteaMohammad RabieeNavid RabieeAmir RadfarSaber RaeghiSima RafieiPankaja Raghav RaghavLeila RahbarniaVafa Rahimi-movagharMosiur RahmanMuhammad Aziz RahmanAmir Masoud RahmaniVahid RahmanianPradhum RamMuhammad Modassar Ali Nawaz RanjhaSowmya J RaoMohammad-mahdi RashidiAzad RasulZubair Ahmed RatanSalman RawafReza RawassizadehMohammad Sadegh RazeghiniaElrashdy Moustafa Mohamed RedwanMisganu Teshoma RegasaGiuseppe RemuzziMelese Abate RetaNazila RezaeiAziz RezapourAbanoub RiadRezaul Karim RiponKristina E RuddBasema SaddikSaeid SadeghianUmar SaeedMohsen SafaeiAzam SafarySher Zaman SafiMaryam SahebazzamaniAmirhossein SahebkarHarihar SahooSaina SalahiSarvenaz SalahiHedayat SalariSana SalehiHossein Samadi KafilAbdallah M. SamyNima SanadgolSenthilkumar SankararamanFrancesco SanmarchiBrijesh SathianMonika SawhneyGanesh Kumar SayaSubramanian SenthilkumaranAllen SeylaniPritik A ShahMasood Ali ShaikhElaheh ShakerMurad Ziyaudinovich ShakhmardanovMequannent Melaku SharewAthena Sharifi-razaviPurva SharmaRahim Ali SheikhiAli SheikhyPavanchand H ShettyMika ShigematsuJae Il ShinHesamaddin Shirzad-askiK M ShivakumarParnian ShobeiriSeyed Afshin ShorofiSunil ShresthaMigbar Mekonnen SibhatNegussie Boti SidemoMustafa Kamal SikderLuís Manuel Lopes Rodrigues SilvaJasvinder A SinghParamdeep SinghSurjit SinghMd Shahjahan SirajSamarjeet Singh SiwalValentin Yurievich SkryabinAnna Aleksandrovna SkryabinaBogdan SoceaDamtew Damtew SolomonYimeng SongChandrashekhar T SreeramareddyMuhammad SulemanRizwan Suliankatchi AbdulkaderSaima SultanaMiklós SzócskaSeyed-amir TabatabaeizadehMohammad TabishMajid TaheriElahe TakiKer-kan TanSarmila TandukarNathan Y TatVivian Y TatBelay Negash TeferaYibekal Manaye TeferaGebremaryam TemesgenMohamad-hani TemsahSamar TharwatArulmani ThiyagarajanImad I TleyjehChristopher E TroegerKrishna Kishore UmapathiEra UpadhyaySahel Valadan TahbazPascual R ValdezJef Van Den EyndeH. Rogier Van DoornSiavash VaziriGeorgios-ioannis VerrasHarimadhav ViswanathanBay VoAbdul WarisGizachew Tadesse WassieNuwan Darshana WickramasingheSajad YaghoubiGahin Abdulraheem Tayib Yahya YahyaSeyed Hossein Yahyazadeh JabbariArzu YigitVahit YiğitDong Keon YonNaohiro YonemotoMazyar ZahirBurhan Abdullah ZamanSojib Bin ZamanMoein ZangiabadianIman ZareMikhail Sergeevich ZastrozhinZhi-jiang ZhangPeng ZhengChenwen ZhongMohammad ZoladlAlimuddin ZumlaSimon I HayChristiane DolecekBenn SartoriusChristopher J L MurrayMohsen Naghavi


MaleBacteriaSyndromeBacterial InfectionsGeneral MedicineGlobal HealthGlobal Burden of DiseaseRisk FactorsSepsisHumansFemaleMortalityChildAfrica South of the Sahara


Background: Reducing the burden of death due to infection is an urgent global public health priority. Previous studies have estimated the number of deaths associated with drug-resistant infections and sepsis and found that infections remain a leading cause of death globally. Understanding the global burden of common bacterial pathogens (both susceptible and resistant to antimicrobials) is essential to identify the greatest threats to public health. To our knowledge, this is the first study to present global comprehensive estimates of deaths associated with 33 bacterial pathogens across 11 major infectious syndromes. Methods: We estimated deaths associated with 33 bacterial genera or species across 11 infectious syndromes in 2019 using methods from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2019, in addition to a subset of the input data described in the Global Burden of Antimicrobial Resistance 2019 study. This study included 343 million individual records or isolates covering 11 361 study-location-years. We used three modelling steps to estimate the number of deaths associated with each pathogen: deaths in which infection had a role, the fraction of deaths due to infection that are attributable to a given infectious syndrome, and the fraction of deaths due to an infectious syndrome that are attributable to a given pathogen. Estimates were produced for all ages and for males and females across 204 countries and territories in 2019. 95% uncertainty intervals (UIs) were calculated for final estimates of deaths and infections associated with the 33 bacterial pathogens following standard GBD methods by taking the 2·5th and 97·5th percentiles across 1000 posterior draws for each quantity of interest. Findings: From an estimated 13·7 million (95% UI 10·9–17·1) infection-related deaths in 2019, there were 7·7 million deaths (5·7–10·2) associated with the 33 bacterial pathogens (both resistant and susceptible to antimicrobials) across the 11 infectious syndromes estimated in this study. We estimated deaths associated with the 33 bacterial pathogens to comprise 13·6% (10·2–18·1) of all global deaths and 56·2% (52·1–60·1) of all sepsis-related deaths in 2019. Five leading pathogens—Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa—were responsible for 54·9% (52·9–56·9) of deaths among the investigated bacteria. The deadliest infectious syndromes and pathogens varied by location and age. The age-standardised mortality rate associated with these bacterial pathogens was highest in the sub-Saharan Africa super-region, with 230 deaths (185–285) per 100 000 population, and lowest in the high-income super-region, with 52·2 deaths (37·4–71·5) per 100 000 population. S aureus was the leading bacterial cause of death in 135 countries and was also associated with the most deaths in individuals older than 15 years, globally. Among children younger than 5 years, S pneumoniae was the pathogen associated with the most deaths. In 2019, more than 6 million deaths occurred as a result of three bacterial infectious syndromes, with lower respiratory infections and bloodstream infections each causing more than 2 million deaths and peritoneal and intra-abdominal infections causing more than 1 million deaths. Interpretation: The 33 bacterial pathogens that we investigated in this study are a substantial source of health loss globally, with considerable variation in their distribution across infectious syndromes and locations. Compared with GBD Level 3 underlying causes of death, deaths associated with these bacteria would rank as the second leading cause of death globally in 2019; hence, they should be considered an urgent priority for intervention within the global health community. Strategies to address the burden of bacterial infections include infection prevention, optimised use of antibiotics, improved capacity for microbiological analysis, vaccine development, and improved and more pervasive use of available vaccines. These estimates can be used to help set priorities for vaccine need, demand, and development. Funding: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust, and Department of Health and Social Care, using UK aid funding managed by the Fleming Fund.
