

Global Totalitarianism and the Working Animals

Florentin Smarandache


JA Political science (General)


We live today in an Upside-Down World, whose equilibrium has been broken and those who lead play the fools: - a Klan of elites manipulate the whole world setting up a global dictatorship as never before in the humankind’s history; - the tyrants show up as good men; - the evil is presented to the public’s eye as angel; - there is today a “democracy” of the most powerful; - respecting the “human rights” became synonymous to subordination to the most powerful; - creators, scientists, writers who don’t obey to the powerful elite are blacklisted, ignored, slandered; - the rich elite Klan manipulates mass-media, economy, spirituality, recession/depression and the whole global life. Opportunists ally with the most powerful in their attempt to get some rests from the powerful elites’ table… About this gloomy reality and more on today’s spiritual misery, you can read in the book. It is today a highest paradoxism ever at all levels of the global society!
