

Treatment challenges in and outside a network setting: Soft tissue sarcomas

Sandro PasqualiSylvie BonvalotDimitri TzanisG. Casali PaoloAnnalisa TramaAlessandro GronchiWg RarecarenetHackl MonikaVan Eycken ElizabethHenau KrisDimitrova NadyaSekerija MarioDušek LadislavMägi MargitMalila NeaLeinonen MaaritVelten MichelTroussard XavierBouvier VeroniqueGuizard Anne-valérieBouvier Anne-marieArveux PatrickMaynadié MarcWoronoff Anne-sophieRobaszkiewicz MichelBaldi IsabelleMonnereau AlainTretarre BrigitteColonna MarcMolinié FlorenceBara SimonaSchvartz ClaireE Lapôtre-ledoux BénédictGrosclaude PascaleStabenow RolandLuttmann SabineNennecke AliceEngel JuttaSchubert-fritschle GabrieleHeidrich JanHolleczek BerndGunnlaugur Jónasson JónClough-gorr KerriComber HarryMazzoleni GuidoGiacomin AdrianoSutera Sardo AntonellaBarchielli AlessandroSerraino DiegoDe Angelis RobertaMallone SandraTavilla AndreaPierannunzio DanielaRossi SilviaSantaquilani MarianoKnijn ArnoldPannozzo FabioGennaro ValerioBenfatto LuciaRicci PaoloAutelitano MariangelaSpagnoli GianbattistaFusco MarioUsala MarioVitale FrancescoMichiara MariaTumino RosarioMangone LuciaFalcini FabioStefano FerrettiFiliberti Rosa AngelaMarani EnzaIannelli ArturoSensi FlavioPiffer SilvanoGentilini MariaMadeddu AnselmoZiino AntonioMaspero SergioCandela PinaStracci FabrizioTagliabue GiovannaRugge MassimoTrama AnnalisaGatta GemmaBotta LauraCapocaccia RiccardoPildava SantaSmailyte GiedreCalleja NevilleBørge Johannesen TomRachtan JadwigaGóźdź StanisławBłaszczyk JerzyKępska KamilaForjaz De Lacerda GonçaloBento Maria JoséMiranda AnaSafaei Diba ChakamehAlmar EnriqueA Larrañaga NereLopez De Munain ArantzaTorrella-ramos AnaA Díaz García José MaríMarcos-gragera RafaelSanchez Maria JosèNavarro CarmenSalmeron DiegoMoreno-iribas ConchiGalceran JaumeCarulla MariàMousavi MohsenBouchardy ChristineEss Silvia M.Bordoni AndreaKonzelmann IsabelleRashbass JemA Gavin AnnBrewster David H.Wyn Huws DyfedVisser OttoBielska-lasota MagdalenaPrimic-zakelj MajaKunkler IanBenhamou Ellen


medicine.medical_specialtyGuidelines; Network; Referral centre; Sarcoma; Treatment; Surgery; OncologyReferralReferral centrePopulationMEDLINESocio-culturaleNetworkDiseaseCancer Care FacilitiesGuidelinesGuideline03 medical and health sciencesRare Diseases0302 clinical medicineRare DiseaseHealth careGuidelines; Network; Referral centre; Sarcoma; TreatmentmedicineHumans030212 general & internal medicineRegistrieseducationReferral and Consultationeducation.field_of_studybusiness.industryCancer Care FacilitieSoft tissue sarcomaCancer Care FacilitiesSarcomaGeneral Medicinemedicine.diseaseSurgeryTreatmentEuropeClinical researchOncology030220 oncology & carcinogenesisPractice Guidelines as TopicSurgeryMedical emergencybusinessDelivery of Health CareHuman


Patients with soft tissue sarcoma (STS) experienced better outcomes when treated according to existing clinical practice guidelines either at reference institution or dedicated treatment networks. Despite increasing evidence supporting referral to sarcoma specialised units, up to half of patients are not managed according to guidelines, particularly those in the early stage of their disease requiring surgery. Also, criteria to certify expertise of institutions, such as the treatment volume, are debated and health authorities have only recently started identification of these centres and creation of treatment networks in Europe as well as in several countries. This process have important implications for both patient outcomes and innovation of existing treatment strategies through clinical research, making improvement of clinical pathways a priority for health care authorities. This article will discuss issues with management of patients with STS, such as pathological diagnosis and adherence to guidelines, and the definition of referral centres and networks will be illustrated along with existing experiences and population-based data.
