

Life-space mobility and active ageing

Erja PortegijsTaina Rantanen


GerontologyaktiivisuusPoor qualityActive ageinglife spaceBalance (accounting)liikkuvuusikääntyminenLife spaceIntervention (counseling)active ageingmedicineelinympäristöSocial isolationmedicine.symptomAffordancePsychologyOlder people


This chapter highlights research on the concepts of life-space mobility and active ageing. With age, the life-space of older people becomes more restricted and they spend more and more time in or around their home, a situation that increases the risk of social isolation, physical inactivity, and poor quality of life. Optimal mobility is the result of a good balance between the environmental demands and affordances, on the one hand, and the personal resources and capacity of the individual, on the other hand. This chapter describes a new tool developed by the authors and their colleagues to assess active ageing at the level of the individual, rather than at the policy level. This chapter discusses intervention strategies that improved opportunities for participation and well-being of older people. peerReviewed
