

The MAMI-project

B. Schoch


Nuclear physicsPhysicsMomentumDuty cycleSolid anglePhysics::Accelerator PhysicsEnergy–momentum relationElectronCoincidenceBeam (structure)Energy (signal processing)


In the energy region up to one GeV the "racetrack"-microtron /1/ offers an economic way to achieve a 100% duty factor e--beam with a high current (IO0~A) and a well defined energy (Ap/p ~ 10-4). Such an e--beam appears to be ideal for the experimental investigation of the nucleus: coincidence experiments of the type (e,e'x) and (e,e'xy) become possible in a wide kinematical region yielding information about the response of the nucleus to the transferred energy and momentum. By the method of bremsstrahl-tagging, for the f i r s t time, rather intensive ( few times 107/sec) photon beams with high monochromaticity and well known fluxes wi l l be available. To make the best use out of such new electron and photon beams, the appropriate detection systems in the coincidence set-ups have to be designed accordingly. Large acceptances in momentum and solid angle without neglecting the overall energy resolution wi l l pose sometimes contradictory demands and ask for a f lexible design.
