Homing blogs as ambivalent spaces for feminine agency
Sirpa LeppänenPiia VarisTuija SaresmaJäntti SaaraSuvi Järvinensubject
ta520Visual Arts and Performing Arts050801 communication & media studiesta6121ComputingMilieux_LEGALASPECTSOFCOMPUTINGAmbivalencebloggingsukupuoliGender StudiesPublic spacePolitics0508 media and communicationsyksityisyysgenderSociologySalonjulkisuusbloggaajatbusiness.industryCommunicationHoming (biology)05 social scienceskotiMedia studiesPrivate spherehomepublic privacyintimate publicsblogit050903 gender studiesta5141The Internet0509 other social sciencesbusinessdescription
This article discusses a form of lifestyle blogging where women blog about their homes and everyday lives. In these homing blogs, selfrepresentations are characteristically spatially demarcated within the private sphere of the home. As these repeated representations of women in their homes take place in the public space of the internet, homing blogs work towards naturalizing the home as a women’s sphere. Written and commented on mostly by other women, homing blogs represent a feminine form of self-expression and communication that functions as a discursive expression of ongoing social, economic, and cultural changes in affluent Western societies. In this article, Finnish versions of these homing blogs are analysed in the cultural and political context of contemporary Finland, and discussed as a form of intimate publics that reverses the gender politics of other historical, semi-public spaces for the exercise of women’s agency, such as the salon. peerReviewed
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2017-11-20 |