

Indagine comparativa sulla popolazione nidificante di Fratino Charadrius alexandrinus (Aves, Charadriiformes) nelle saline della Provincia di Trapani

Salvatore SurdoM. Paolo


Kentish plover census 2016 saltpans of Trapani Stagnone of Marsala


Comparative survey on the population of the Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus in the salt pans of Trapani province. This paper deals with a 2016 census of the breeding population of the Kentish plover in the saltpans of trapani and of the Stagnone di marsala. In the same area a previous census of this species was carried out forty years ago by Massa (1977). the comparison between data collected in the 1970s and in 2016 reveals that the population of the Kentish plover has been dramatically declining, with 70% decrease in the overall area (ca. 1,230 ha). Although responsibile for an additional 8% reduction of wetlands in the last few decades, direct human intervention is not likely to be the main cause for such a steep decline. Most of the area considered for both censuses. in fact, has been protected since 1984 (Nature Reserve Stagnone di marsala) and 1995 (Nature Reserve saline di Trapani e Paceco). Indirect human intervention, such as pollution and the construction of the pPaceco dam, might be held responsible for a quantitative and qualitative impoverishment of detritus, wich is a key factor in the kentish plover's habitat. In addition, eggs and chicks are exposed to predation by stray dogs, feral cats, rats, mustelids, corvids and gulls. the recent increase in the population of Yellow-legged gull Larus michaellis in the Saline of Trapani could have a partuculary negative impact on the breediing success of the Kentish plover.
