Searches for heavy long-lived sleptons and R-hadrons with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV
Atlas CollaborationSusana Cabrera UrbánMaría Victoria Castillo GiménezMaría José Costa MezquitaFarida FassiAntonio Ferrer SoriaLuca FioriniJuan A. Fuster VerdúCarmen García GarcíaJosé Enrique García NavarroSantiago González De La HozYesenia Hernández JiménezEmilio Higón RodríguezAdrián Irles QuilesMohammed KaciCarlos Lacasta LlácerVicente Lacuesta MiquelSalvador Martí GarcíaMercedes Miñano MoyaVasiliki MitsouRegina Moles VallsRegina Moles VallsElena Oliver GarcíaSebastián Pedraza LópezMaría Teresa Pérez García-estañE. Romero AdamEduardo Ros MartínezJosé Salt CairolsVictoria Sánchez MartínezCarlos Antonio Solans SánchezU. SoldevilaJavier Sánchez MartínezEmma Torró PastorAlberto Valero BiotE. Valladolid GallegoJuan Antonio Valls FerrerMiguel Villaplana PérezMarcel Vossubject
Physics::Instrumentation and DetectorsHigh Energy Physics::PhenomenologyHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentFísica nuclearNuclear Experimentdescription
A search for long-lived particles is performed using a data sample of 4.7 fb-1 from proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy sqrt(s) = 7 TeV collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. No excess is observed above the estimated background and lower limits, at 95% confidence level, are set on the mass of the long-lived particles in different scenarios, based on their possible interactions in the inner detector, the calorimeters and the muon spectrometer. Long-lived staus in gauge-mediated SUSY-breaking models are excluded up to a mass of 300 GeV for tan beta = 5-20. Directly produced long-lived sleptons are excluded up to a mass of 278 GeV. R-hadrons, composites of gluino (stop, sbottom) and light quarks, are excluded up to a mass of 985 GeV (683 GeV, 612 GeV) when using a generic interaction model. Additionally two sets of limits on R-hadrons are obtained that are less sensitive to the interaction model for R-hadrons. One set of limits is obtained using only the inner detector and calorimeter observables, and a second set of limits is obtained based on the inner detector alone
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2013-01-01 |