

L'accès des ménages aux services dans l'espace périurbain francilien

Benjamin Motte-baumvol


population servicesperi-urban spaces[SHS.GEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Geographyautomobilepériurbanisation[SHS.GEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Geographycommerce[ SHS.GEO ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Geographyaccessibilitéaccessibility


The access of populations to services, out of the dense urban centres, is marked by the retreat of the services of proximity to which populations and local councillors appear particularly attached. However, in peri-urban spaces, this remote setting of the resources compared to the populations is the result of the generalized adoption of the automobile standard for mobility and accessibility. That has two effects: first a disintegration of the local offer, then a disintegration of the modal alternatives to the private car, because of relocalizations of services and populations which privilege car for their accessibility and call into question their access by other modes like public transport. But, this model is not the one which dominates in the outer suburbs of Paris. Vis-a-vis these territories in change, there are other territories more central and denser where the offer of services is durably concentrated and increases. These communes are in minority in the outer suburbs of Paris but include the essence of the population.
