

Computer simulations of hydrogen spectral line shapes in dense plasmas

W. Olchawa


PhysicsRadiationPartial differential equationHilbert spaceBalmer seriesPlasmaElectronAtomic and Molecular Physics and OpticsSpectral linesymbols.namesakeStark effectsymbolsHydrogen lineAtomic physicsSpectroscopy


A new formalism has been elaborated for calculations of hydrogen line profiles emitted by dense plasmas. The main equation of this formalism has a similar form to a set of close-coupled, time-dependent partial differential equations. Calculated line shapes are broadened, shifted and asymmetrical. The formalism yields both shifts and widths of a line calculated within the same theoretical approach. A new basis of the appropriate subspace of the Hilbert space has been built. This basis gives an accurate description of the quadratic Stark effect, and the interaction of the emitter with field gradients. The computer simulation has been used to determine the emitter perturbations by electrons and ions. Calculations were performed for the Balmer alpha line, because this line is a very helpful tool for a dense plasma diagnostic and there is a great interest in the shape of the line. Final results have been compared with experimental and theoretical findings of other authors.
