

L'interaction lieu – objet comme modélisation de l'expérience culturelle vécue : définition, mesure et validation empirique dans le cas du spectacle vivant

Rémi Mencarelli


scalevaleur de consommationspectacle vivantéchelle de mesurelive showexpérience culturelle[SHS.GESTION]Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administrationphysical environment[SHS.GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration[ SHS.GESTION ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administrationcultural experienceconsumption valueenvironnement physique


This article proposes to reconsider the concept of lived cultural experience. In a first part, we explore the track of value. We try to justify of its interest to apprehend the experience. We also seek to improve the conceptualization of the experience by defining it as an interaction place - object. Then, in a second part, we present an empirical test of this conceptualization in the field of lives performance. This test is followed of a discussion about the results.
