

Positron-Electron Angular Correlations in Heavy Ion Collisions

H. OeschlerM. KrämerC. MüntzG. Klotz-engmannH. JägerR. KriegB. BlankP. SengerP. SengerE. KankeleitE. BozekM. Rhein


Nuclear physicsPhysicsPositronSpectrometerAstrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical PhenomenaCollision cascadeCoulomb barrierHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentElectronCoincidenceSpectral lineLepton


Recent measurements of positrons in coincidence with electrons emitted in U+Th collisions near the Coulomb barrier show sharp line structures in the sum and difference energy spectra of the two leptons (ref. 1). A possible method to clarify the origin of these lines is to study the angular correlation of the leptons. In this short contribution we want to report on a positron-electron coincidence test measurement performed with the TORI spectrometer. This apparatus offers the possibility to measure positrons in coincidence with electrons emitted into the same and opposite hemisphere as well.
