

MOESM4 of 7C: Computational Chromosome Conformation Capture by Correlation of ChIP-seq at CTCF motifs

Jonas Ibn-salemMiguel Andrade-navarro



Additional file 4: Figure S1. Hi-C and ChIA-PET interactions and their overlap with CTCF motif pairs. (A) Number of genome-wide CTCF motifs by motif hit significance cutoff. (B) Number of CTCF motif pairs within 1 Mb distance by motif hit significance. (C) Percent of CTCF motif pairs that overlap with experimentally measured Hi-C and ChIA-PET loops by the motif hit significance. (D) Upset plot of true loop data sets (rows) and their size (horizontal bars) with their intersections (columns, and vertical bars) based on the number of overlapping CTCF motif pairs. (E) Distribution of interaction span (distance between anchors) of Hi-C loops and ChIA-PET loops in GM12878 that are used as gold standard. The dotted red line indicates the distance cutoff (1 Mb) used in this study. (F) Number and percent of Hi-C and ChIA-PET loops that overlap with CTCF motif pairs within a distance of 1 Mb. (G) Number and percent of Hi-C and ChIA-PET loops that overlap with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or more than 5 CTCF motif pairs. The percent values are relative to all loops that overlap at least one CTCF motif pair.
