

Annihilation at rest of antiprotons and protons into neutral particles

M. SuffertC.j. BattyA. V. AnisovichV. CredeU. ThomaH. KalinowskyN.p. HesseyJ.s. SuhC.a. BakerC. A. MeyerM. HeinzelmannW. DünnweberMichael DoserF. H. HeinsiusF. H. HeinsiusD. JamnikD. JamnikR. LanduaS. Wallis-plachnerD. EngelhardtM. BenayounM. A. FaesslerMarcel KunzeHerbert KochKenneth M. CroweK. WittmackB. PickS. SpanierK. PetersD. WaltherD. WaltherB. S. ZouClaude AmslerJ. KisielJ. KisielU. StrohbuschU. WiednerU. WiednerU. KurillaK. BraunePàl HidasI. UmanA. V. SarantsevP. KammelP. KammelB.m. BarnettB.m. BarnettW. PopkovL. MontanetR. P. HaddockP. BlümD.v. BuggJ. ReinnarthT. CaseH. MatthäyM. RatajczakW. RoethelEberhard KlemptR. OuaredF. Meyer-wildhagenC. Regenfus


Rest (physics)PhysicsNuclear and High Energy PhysicsAnnihilationMeson010308 nuclear & particles physicsBranching fraction01 natural sciences7. Clean energyNuclear physicsCrystalAntiproton0103 physical sciencesHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentAtomic physicsNuclear Experiment010306 general physicsLiquid hydrogenBar (unit)


Abstract Annihilation of antiprotons and protons at rest into neutral particles has been studied with the Crystal Barrel detector at LEAR. Annihilation frequencies are determined for final states containing π 0 , η , η ′ and ω mesons using a liquid and a room temperature, 12 bar, gaseous hydrogen target. Including annihilation frequencies for production of neutral kaons from other experiments, the identified reactions for annihilation in liquid hydrogen add up to a branching fraction of (3.56±0.28)% per annihilation compared to the frequency of (3.50±0.30)% with which we observe the all-neutral decay modes inclusively. Since the exclusive final states are normalized to the Crystal Barrel measurement of the π 0 π 0 branching ratio, the latter result is strongly supported by this present study.
