

Search for correlations between the arrival directions of IceCube neutrino events and ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays detected by the Pierre Auger Observatory and the Telescope Array

Mg AartsenK AbrahamM AckermannJ AdamsJa AguilarM AhlersM AhrensD AltmannT AndersonI AnsseauM ArchingerC ArguellesTc ArlenJ AuffenbergX BaiSw BarwickV BaumR BayJj BeattyJb TjusK-h BeckerE BeiserP BerghausD BerleyE BernardiniA BernhardDz BessonG BinderD BindigM BissokE BlaufussJ BlumenthalDj BoersmaC BohmM BoernerF BosD BoseS BoeserO BotnerJ BraunL BrayeurH-p BretzN BuzinskyJ CaseyM CasierE CheungD ChirkinA ChristovK ClarkL ClassenS CoendersDf CowenAhc SilvaJ DaughheteeJc DavisM DayJpam De AndreC De ClercqEdp RosendoH DembinskiS De RidderP DesiatiKd De VriesG De WasseigeM De WithT DeyoungJc Diaz-velezV Di LorenzoJp DummM DunkmanB EberhardtT EhrhardtB EichmannS EulerPa EvensonS FaheyAr FazelyJ FeintzeigJ FeldeK FilimonovC FinleyT Fischer-waselsS FlisC-c FoesigT FuchsTk GaisserR GaiorJ GallagherL GerhardtK GhorbaniD GierL GladstoneM GlaglaT GluesenkampA GoldschmidtG GolupJg GonzalezD GoraD GrantZ GriffithA GrossC HaC HaackAh IsmailA HallgrenF HalzenE HansenB HansmannK HansonD HebeckerD HeeremanK HelbingR HellauerS HickfordJ HignightGc HillKd HoffmanR HoffmannK HolzapfelA HomeierK HoshinaF HuangM HuberW HuelsnitzPo HulthK HultqvistS InA IshiharaE JacobiGs JaparidzeM JeongK JeroM JurkovicA KappesT KargA KarleM KauerA KeivaniJl KelleyJ KempA KheirandishJ KirylukJ KlaesSr KleinG KohnenR KoiralaH KolanoskiR KonietzL KoepkeC KopperS KopperDj KoskinenM KowalskiK KringsG KrollM KrollG KruecklJ KunnenN KurahashiT KuwabaraM LabareJl LanfranchiMj LarsonM Lesiak-bzdakM LeuermannJ LeunerL LuJ LuenemannJ MadsenG MaggiKbm MahnM MandelartzR MaruyamaK MaseHs MatisR MaunuF McnallyK MeagherM MediciA MeliT MenneG MerinoT MeuresS MiareckiE MiddellL MohrmannT MontaruliR MorseR NahnhauerU NaumannG NeerH NiederhausenSc NowickiDr NygrenAo PollmannA OlivasA OmairatA O'murchadhaT PalczewskiH PandyaDv PankovaL PaulJa PepperCp De Los HerosC PfendnerD PielothE PinatJ PosseltPb PriceGt PrzybylskiM QuinnanC RaabL RaedelM RameezK RawlinsR ReimannM RelichE ResconiW RhodeM RichmanS RichterB RiedelS RobertsonM RongenC RottT RuheD RyckboschL SabbatiniH-g SanderA SandrockJ SandroosS SarkarK SchattoM SchimpT SchmidtS SchoenenS SchoenebergA SchoenwaldL SchulteL SchumacherD SeckelS SeunarineD SoldinM SongGm SpiczakC SpieringM StahlbergM StamatikosT StanevA StasikA SteuerT StezelbergerRg StokstadA StoesslR StroemNl StrotjohannGw SullivanM SutherlandH TaavolaI TaboadaJ TatarS Ter-antonyanA TerliukG TesicS TilavPa ToaleMn TobinS ToscanoD TosiM TselengidouA TurcatiE UngerM UsnerS VallecorsaJ VandenbrouckeN Van EijndhovenS VanheuleJ Van SantenJ VeenkampM VehringM VogeM VraegheC WalckA WallaceM WallraffN WandkowskyC WeaverC WendtS WesterhoffBj WhelanK WiebeCh WiebuschL WilleDr WilliamsH WissingM WolfTr WoodK WoschnaggDl XuXw XuY XuJp YanezG YodhS YoshidaM ZollA AabP AbreuM AgliettaEj AhnI Al SamaraiIfm AlbuquerqueI AllekotteP AllisonA AlmelaJa CastilloJ Alvarez-munizRa BatistaM AmbrosioA AminaeiL AnchordoquiB AndradaS AndringaC AramoF ArquerosN ArseneH AsoreyP AssisJ AublinG AvilaN AwalAm BadescuC BausJj BeattyKh BeckerJa BellidoC BeratMe BertainaX BertouPl BiermannP BilloirSg BlaessA BlancoM BlancoJ BlazekC BleveH BluemerM BohacovaD BoncioliC BonifaziN BorodaiAm BottiJ BrackI BrancusT BretzA BridgemanFl BriechleP BuchholzA BuenoS BuitinkM BuscemiKs Caballero-moraB CaccianigaL CaccianigaM CandussoL CarameteR CarusoA CastellinaG CataldiL CazonR CesterAg ChavezA ChiavassaJa ChinellatoJcc DiazJ ChudobaRw ClayR ColalilloA ColemanL CollicaMr ColucciaR ConceicaoF ContrerasMj CooperA CordierS CoutuCe CovaultR DallierS D'amicoB DanielS DassoK. DaumillerBr DawsonRm De AlmeidaSj De JongG De MauroJrt De Mello NetoI De MitriJ De OliveiraV De SouzaJ DebatinL Del PeralO DelignyN DhitalC Di GiulioA Di MatteoMld CastroF DiogoC DobrigkeitW DoctersJc D'olivoA DorofeevRc Dos AnjosMt DovaA DundovicJ EbrR EngelM ErdmannM ErfaniCo EscobarJ EspadanalA EtchegoyenH FalckeK FangG FarrarAc FauthN FazziniAp FergusonB FickJm FigueiraA FilevichA FilipiO FratuMm FreireT FujiiA FusterF GalloB GarciaD Garcia-gamezD Garcia-pintoF GateH GemmekeA Gherghel-lascuPl GhiaU GiaccariM GiammarchiM GillerD GlasC GlaserH GlassG GolupM Gomez BerissoPf Gomez VitaleN GonzalezB GookinJ GordonA GorgiP GorhamP GouffonN GriffithAf GrilloTd GrubbF GuarinoGp GuedesMr HampelP HansenD HarariTa HarrisonJl HartonQ HasankiadehA HaungsT HebbekerD HeckP HeimannAe HerveGc HillC HojvatN HollonE HoltP HomolaJr HoerandelP HorvathM HrabovsksyT HuegeA InsoliaPg IsarI JandtS JansenC JarneJa JohnsenM JosebachuiliA KaeaepaeO KambeitzKh KampertP KasperI KatkovB KeilhauerE KempRm KieckhaferHo KlagesM KleifgesJ KleinfellerR KrauseN KrohmD KuempelGk MezekN KunkaAk AwadD LahurdL LatronicoR LauerM LauscherP LautridouD LebrunP LebrunMa Leigui De OliveiraA Letessier-selvonI Lhenry-yvonK LinkL LopesR LopezA Lopez CasadoA LuceroM MalacariM MallamaciD MandatP MantschAg MariazziV MarinIc MarisG MarsellaD MartelloH MartinezOm BravoJjm MezaHj MathesS MathysJ MatthewsJaj MatthewsG MatthiaeD MaurizioE MayottePo MazurC MedinaG Medina-tancoVbb MelloD MeloA MenshikovS MessinaMi MichelettiL MiddendorfIa MinayaL MiramontiB MitricaL Molina-buenoS MollerachlF MontanetC MorelloM MostafaCa MouraG MuellerMa MullerS MuellerI NaranjoS NavasP NecesalL NellenA NellesJ NeuserPh NguyenM Niculescu-oglinzanuM NiechcioL NiemietzT NiggemannD NitzD NosekV NovotnyH NozkaLa NunezL OchiloF OikonomouA OlintoN PachecoDp Selmi-deiM PalatkaJ PallottaP PapenbreerG ParenteA ParraT PauM PechJ PekalaR PelayoJ Pena-rodriguezIm PepeL PerroneE PetermannC PetersS PetreraJ PhuntsokR PiegaiaT PierogP PieroniM PimentaV PirronelloM PlatinoM PlumC PorowskiRr PradoP PriviteraM ProuzaEj QuellS QuerchfeldS QuinnJ RautenbergO RavelD RavignaniD ReinertB RevenuJ RidkyM RisseP RistoriV RiziW Rodrigues De CarvalhoJ Rodriguez RojoMd Rodriguez-friasD RogozinJ RosadoM RothE RouletAc RoveroSj SaffilA SaftoiuH SalazarA SalehFs GreusG SalinaJd Sanabria GomezF SanchezP Sanchez-lucasEm SantosE SantosF SarazinB SarkarR SarmentoC Sarmiento-canoR SatoC ScarsoM SchauerV ScheriniH SchielerD SchmidtScholteneH SchoorlemmerP SchovanekFg SchroederA SchulzJ SchulzJ SchumacherA SegretoM SettimoA ShadkamRc ShellardG SiglO SimaA SmialkowskiR SmidaGr SnowP SommersS SonntagJ SorokinR SquartiniD StancaS StanicJ StapletonJ StasielakM StephanF StrafellaA StutzF SuarezMs DuranT SuomijarviAd SupanitskyMs SutherlandJ SwainZ SzadkowskiOa TabordaA TapiaA TepeVm TheodoroC TimmermansCj Todero PeixotoG TomaL TomankovaB TomeA TonachiniGt ElipeD Torres MachadoP TravnicekM TriniR UlrichM UngerM UrbanJfv GaliciaI ValinoL ValoreG Van AarP Van BodegomAm Van Den BergA Van VlietE VarelaB Vargas CardenasG VarnerR VasquezJr VazquezRa VazquezD VebericV VerziJ VichaM VidelaL VillasenorS VorobiovH WahlbergO WainbergD WalzAa WatsonM WeberK WeidenhauptA WeindlL WienckeH WilczynskiT WinchenD WittkowskiB WundheilerS WykesL YangT YapiciA YushkovE ZasD ZavrtanikM ZavrtanikA ZepedaB ZimmermannM ZiolkowskiZ ZongF ZuccarelloRu AbbasiM AbeT Abu-zayyadM AllenR AzumaE BarcikowskiJw BelzDr BergmanSa BlakeR CadyMj ChaeBg CheonJ ChibaM ChikawaWr ChoT FujiiM FukushimaT GotollW HanlonY HayashiN HayashidaK HibinoK HondaD IkedaN InoueT IshiiR IshimoriH ItoD IvanovCch JuiK KadotaF KakimotoO KalashevK KasaharaH KawailS KawakamiS KawanaK KawataE KidoHb KimJh KimJh KimS KitamuraY KitamuraV KuzminYj KwonJ LanSi LimJp LundquistK MachidaK MartensT MatsudaT MatsuyamaJn MatthewsM MinaminoY MukaiI MyersK NagasawaS NagatakiT NakamuraT NonakaA NozatoS OgiollJ OguraM OhnishiH OhokaK OkiT OkudaM OnoA OshimaS OzawaIh ParkMs PshirkovDc RodriguezG RubtsovD RyuH SagawaN SakuraiLm ScottPd ShahF ShibataT ShibataH ShimodairaBk ShinsHs ShinJd SmithP SokolskyRw SpringerBt StokesSr StrattonTa StromanT SuzawaM TakamuraM TakedaR TakeishiA TaketaM TakitaY TamedaH TanakaK TanakaM TanakaSb ThomasGb ThomsonP TinyakovI TkachevH TokunoT TomidaS TroitskyY TsunesadaK TsutsumiY UchihoriS UdoF UrbanG VasiloffT WongR YamaneH YamaokaK YamazakiJ YangK YashiroY YonedaS YoshidaH YoshiiR ZollingerZ ZundelI CollaborationI CollaborationPa CollaborationPa CollaborationTa Collaboration


AstronomyAstrophysicsNeutrino experiments ultra high energy cosmic rays cosmic ray experiments neutrino astronomy.01 natural sciencesASTROPHYSICAL SOURCESultra high energy cosmic raylaw.inventionIceCubeAstronomi astrofysik och kosmologimagnetic [deflection]lawAstronomy Astrophysics and Cosmologycosmic ray experiments; neutrino astronomy; neutrino experiments; ultra high energy cosmic rays; Astronomy and Astrophysics010303 astronomy & astrophysicsHigh Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE)PhysicsAngular distanceAstrophysics::Instrumentation and Methods for AstrophysicsVHE [neutrino]GALACTIC MAGNETIC-FIELDcascadeAugerobservatorycosmic radiationCascadestackingcosmic ray experi- mentsComputingMethodologies_DOCUMENTANDTEXTPROCESSINGFísica nuclearNeutrinoAstrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomenaphysics[PHYS.ASTR.HE]Physics [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]/High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena [astro-ph.HE]Astrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical Phenomenacosmic ray experimentFOS: Physical sciencesCosmic rayultra high energy cosmic raysSURFACE DETECTORTelescopeneutrino astronomyneutrino experiments0103 physical sciencesddc:530Angular resolutionHigh Energy PhysicsPierre Auger ObservatorySPECTRUMMuon010308 nuclear & particles physicsAstronomy and Astrophysicsflux [neutrino]ASTROFÍSICAPhysics and Astronomyangular resolutioncorrelationExperimental High Energy Physicsneutrino experimenttracks [muon]cosmic ray experiments


This paper presents the results of different searches for correlations between very high-energy neutrino candidates detected by IceCube and the highest-energy cosmic rays measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory and the Telescope Array. We first consider samples of cascade neutrino events and of high-energy neutrino-induced muon tracks, which provided evidence for a neutrino flux of astrophysical origin, and study their cross-correlation with the ultrahigh-energy cosmic ray (UHECR) samples as a function of angular separation. We also study their possible directional correlations using a likelihood method stacking the neutrino arrival directions and adopting different assumptions on the size of the UHECR magnetic deflections. Finally, we perform another likelihood analysis stacking the UHECR directions and using a sample of through-going muon tracks optimized for neutrino point-source searches with sub-degree angular resolution. No indications of correlations at discovery level are obtained for any of the searches performed. The smallest of the p-values comes from the search for correlation between UHECRs with IceCube high-energy cascades, a result that should continue to be monitored.
