

A praxis of hope: lessons from the 'untested feasibility' for twenty-first century education

José Beltrán-llavador




This article offers a contemporary interpretation of the work of global educator, Paulo Freire, inspired by the concept of 'untested feasibility' which he first expounded in his work Pedagogy of Hope. Our purpose is to pay particular attention to some relevant lessons stemming from the imagination of what has so far been untested and yet is feasible, which Freire closely associates with his views on utopia. These lessons remain fully valid for education in the twenty-first century in a globalised world characterised by tensions and uncertainties. In this sense, these pages pay homage to Paulo Freire as global educator and respond to his willingness to revive and discuss his intellectual and human legacy in order to keep it alive. We share some reflections, inspired by Paulo Freire as a global educator, and his dialogues with other thinkers, so that, together, we may find encouragement for the kind of educational commitment that may contribute to improve the fate of the world. In short, this is an invitation to the praxis of untested feasibility that may provide us with the resources that are needed to set out for a journey of hope.
