

Pseudocisti pancreatiche infette: Note di tecnica

Sebastiano BonventreMichele FrazzettaSammartano ADi Trapani BTavormina ASciortino AsFilippo FrazzettaMarzia LucaniaDi Gesù G.


Settore MED/18 - Chirurgia Generalepancreaspseudocistinecrosectomia


Introduction. Starting from the observation of 9 cases of giant infected pancreatic cysts, which occurred from 1994 to 2004 at the Department of Oncological and Surgical Studies, the Authors' aim has been to evaluate whether a more thorough necrosectomy, carried-out under videoendoscopic control, associated with a nose-gastro-cavity tube, which ensures a continuous cleansing of the newly-formed cavity, and an appropriate positioning of the drainages, could reduce the morbility and allow a shorter recovery of the infected psuodocysts. Patients and methods. Of 73 cases of acute pancreatitis, observed from 1994 to 2004, 9 showed severe and acute pancreatitis, which included giant pseudocysts, as revealed by the abdomen angio-TC. Our nine septic patients underwent cysto-gastro-anastomosis, necrosectomy, intraoperative cleansing of the cavity with an antibiotic solution and positioning of multiple drainages. Three of these patients also underwent a thorough and targeted nectrosectomy, assisted by a trans-anastomotic videoendoscopy. A nose-gastro-cavity tube has been placed in all the patients. Results. The disappearance of the septic state in our three patients who underwent a targeted video-assisted necrosectomy occurred after three days of treatment; moreover, the abdomen angio-TC on the 5th postoperative day showed the disappearance of the necrotic areas. The recovery of these three patients was significantly shorter, compared to those undergoing traditional treatment (cysto-gastro-anastomosis, standard necrosectomy and positioning of abdominal drainages). Conclusions. Our surgical video-assisted technique demonstrated that, with a slight increase in the operative time, a better control over sepsis may be accomplished, as well as a reduction of he post-operative morbidity, which leads to shorter hospitalisation of patients with infected pancreatic pseudocysts.
