

On the number of limit cycles which appear by perturbation of separatrix loop of planar vector fields

Robert Roussarie


SeparatrixGeneral MathematicsSaddle pointMathematical analysisPerturbation (astronomy)Planar vector fieldsAtomic physicsMathematics


Consider a fami ly of vector fCelds x~ on the plane. This fami ly depends on a parameter ~ ~ /R A, for some A ~ /~, and is supposed to be 0 ~ in (m,~) 6 /i~ 2X /~A. Suppose that for ~ = O, the vector f i e l d X o has a separatrix loop. This means that X o has an hyperbol ic saddle point s o and that one of the stable separatr ix of 8 o coincides with one of the unstable one. The union of th is curve and s o is the loop ?. A return map is defined on one side of r .
