

A model species for agricultural pest genomics: the genome of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)

Sean MaYolanda H. ChenMartin MaJoshua BenoitAnita BhandariJulia BowsherKristian BrevikKaat CappelleMei-ju LiAnna ChildersChristopher LiOlivier ChristiaensJustin MaElise DidionElena ElpidinaPatamarerk EngsontiaMarkus MaInmaculada García-roblesRichard GibbsChandan GoswamiAlessandro GrapputoKristina GrudenMarcin MaBernard MaEmily JenningsJeffery JonesMegha KalsiSher KhanAbhishek KumarFei LiVincent MaXingzhou MaAlex MartynovNicholas MillerRobert MitchellMonica Muñoz-torresAnna MuszewskaBrenda OppertSubba Reddy PalliKristen PanfilioYannick PauchetLindsey PerkinMarko PetekMonica PoelchauEric RecordJoseph RinehartHugh RobertsonAndrew RosendaleVictor Ruiz-arroyoGuy SmaggheZsofia SzendreiGregg ThomasAlex TorsonIris Vargas JentzschMatthew WeirauchAshley YatesGeorge YocumJune-sun YoonStephen RichardsSean SchovilleMartin AnderssonMei-ju ChenChristopher ChildersJustin ClementsMarkus FriedrichMarcin GrynbergBernard HenrissatVincent LombardAlexander MaLindsey LiMarko MaRobert RobertsonGregg W.c. ThomasMatthew MaRichard Richards


Male0106 biological sciences0301 basic medicineGenome Insectlcsh:Medicine01 natural sciencesGenomeNucleotide diversityInsecticide Resistancepomme de terreTRIBOLIUM-CASTANEUMlcsh:ScienceLeptinotarsaCYSTEINE PROTEINASESPhylogeny2. Zero hungereducation.field_of_studyGenomeMultidisciplinarybiologyinsecte ravageurEcologyGenètica vegetalAgricultureleptinotarsa decemlineataGenomicsS-TRANSFERASE GENESlutte contre les ravageursColeopteraOther Physical Sciencesphénotypeespèce modèleMultigene FamilyInsect ProteinsRNA InterferenceFemaleBiotechnologyAutre (Sciences du Vivant)Genome evolutiondoryphorecoleopteraEvolutionPopulationPopulationRNA-INTERFERENCEGenomicsGEOGRAPHIC POPULATIONSArticleDNA sequencingHost-Parasite InteractionsEvolution Molecular03 medical and health sciences[SDV.BBM.GTP]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Biochemistry Molecular Biology/Genomics [q-bio.GN]GeneticsAnimalsanalyse génomiquePest Control BiologicaleducationQH426GeneSolanum tuberosumComparative genomicsbusiness.industrychrysomelidaelcsh:RHuman GenomefungiColorado potato beetlePest controlBiology and Life SciencesMolecularGenetic VariationMolecular Sequence AnnotationBiologicalbiology.organism_classification010602 entomologyGenòmicaGenetics Population030104 developmental biologyGene Expression RegulationDROSOPHILA-MELANOGASTERPROTEINASE-INHIBITORSEvolutionary biologyTRANSPOSABLE ELEMENTSDNA Transposable Elementslcsh:QPest ControlBiochemistry and Cell BiologyPEST analysisCAENORHABDITIS-ELEGANSbusinessInsectTranscription Factors


AbstractThe Colorado potato beetle is one of the most challenging agricultural pests to manage. It has shown a spectacular ability to adapt to a variety of solanaceaeous plants and variable climates during its global invasion, and, notably, to rapidly evolve insecticide resistance. To examine evidence of rapid evolutionary change, and to understand the genetic basis of herbivory and insecticide resistance, we tested for structural and functional genomic changes relative to other arthropod species using genome sequencing, transcriptomics, and community annotation. Two factors that might facilitate rapid evolutionary change include transposable elements, which comprise at least 17% of the genome and are rapidly evolving compared to other Coleoptera, and high levels of nucleotide diversity in rapidly growing pest populations. Adaptations to plant feeding are evident in gene expansions and differential expression of digestive enzymes in gut tissues, as well as expansions of gustatory receptors for bitter tasting. Surprisingly, the suite of genes involved in insecticide resistance is similar to other beetles. Finally, duplications in the RNAi pathway might explain why Leptinotarsa decemlineata has high sensitivity to dsRNA. The L. decemlineata genome provides opportunities to investigate a broad range of phenotypes and to develop sustainable methods to control this widely successful pest.
