

Prominence vs. aboutness in sequencing: a functional distinction within the left inferior frontal gyrus

Tanja GreweIna Bornkessel-schlesewskyMatthias Schlesewsky


AdultMaleLinguistics and LanguageDissociation (neuropsychology)Cognitive NeuroscienceExperimental and Cognitive Psychologyleft inferior frontal gyrusLeft inferior frontal gyrusFunctional LateralityLanguage and LinguisticsSpeech and HearingSuperior temporal gyrusHumansPrefrontal cortexaboutnessinformation structureLanguageBrain MappingLanguage TestsfMRICognitionsequencingGermanword orderMagnetic Resonance ImagingFrontal Lobesyntactic processingAboutnesssuperior temporal gyrusprominenceFemaleNerve NetComprehensionPsychologySentenceWord orderCognitive psychology


Prior research on the neural bases of syntactic comprehension suggests that activation in the left inferior frontal gyrus (lIFG) correlates with the processing of word order variations. However, there are inconsistencies with respect to the specific subregion within the IFG that is implicated by these findings: the pars opercularisor the pars triangularis. Here, we examined the hypothesis that the dissociation between parsopercularis and pars triangularis activation may reflect functional differences between clause-medial and clause-initial word order permutations, respectively. To this end, we directly compared clause-medial and clause-initial object-before-subject orders in German in a within-participants, event-related fMRIdesign. Our results showed increased activation for object-initial sentences in a bilateral network of frontal,temporal and subcortical regions. Within the lIFG, posterior and inferior subregions showed only a main effect of word order, whereas more anterior and superior subregions showed effects of word order and sentence type, with higher activation for sentences with an argument in the clause-initial position. These findings are interpreted as evidence for a functional gradation of sequence processing within the left IFG:posterior subportions correlate with argument prominence-based (local) aspects of sequencing, while anteriorsubportions correlate with aboutness-based aspects of sequencing, which are crucial in linking the current sentence to the wider discourse. This proposal appears compatible with more general hypotheses about information processing gradients in prefrontal cortex (Koechlin & Summerfield, 2007). Refereed/Peer-reviewed
