

Consensus Document on Intermittent Claudication from the Central European Vascular Forum (C.E.V.F.)-3rd revision (2013) with the sharing of the Mediterranean League of Angiology and Vascular Surgery, and the North Africa and Middle East Chapter of International Union of Angiology.

G. AndreozziE. KalodikiL. L. GašparR. MartiniE. MinarN. AngelidesA. NicolaidesS. NovoA. VisonàM. PriorE. ArosioE. HusseinP. PoredosP. AntignaniR. AvramK. RoztocilV. StvrtinovaM. KozakI. Vacula


ConsensusCritical IllnessGeneral Practiceintermittent claudicatioCardiovascular AgentsIntermittent ClaudicationSettore MED/11 - Malattie Dell'Apparato CardiovascolareSeverity of Illness IndexPeripheral Arterial DiseaseTreatment OutcomeIschemiaRisk FactorsAsymptomatic DiseasesHumansconsensus; intermittent claudicatio; peripheral arterial diseaseReferral and ConsultationRisk Reduction BehaviorVascular Surgical ProceduresIntermittent claudication peripheral arterial disease disease management


This paper is the review of the Consensus Document on Intermittent Claudication of the Central European Vascular Forum (CEVF), published in 2008, and and shared with the North Africa and Middle East Chapter of International Union of Angiology and the Mediterranean League of Angiology and Vascular Surgery. The Document presents suggestions for general practitioners and vascular specialists for more precise and appropriate management of PAD, particularly of intermittent claudication, and underlines the investigations that should be required by GPs and what the GP should expect from the vascular specialist (angiologist, vascular surgeon). The idea of the Faculty is to produce a short document, which is an easy reference in daily clinical practice, both for the GPs and vascular specialists.
