L. Branchettisubject
Onto-semiotic approachTeachers' change of orientationsDidactical suitabilityTeachers' choicesContinuumHigh schoolTeachers' choices ; Real numbers; High school; Continuum; Onto-semiotic approach; Didactical suitability; Teachers' change of orientationsSettore MAT/04 - Matematiche ComplementariReal numberdescription
The thesis addresses the topics of investigating teachers' declared choices of practices concerning real numbers and the continuum in the high school in Italy, evaluating their didactical suitability and the impact of a deep reflexion about some historical and didactical issues on the teachers' decision-making process. Our research hypothesis was that teachers' choices of teaching sequences concerning real numbers, with particular attention to the representations of real numbers, could be very relevant in order to interpret some of the well-known students' difficulties. After a pilot study in form of a teaching experiment and a literature review concerning students' and teachers' difficulties with real numbers and the continuum, we observed that some causes of potential difficulties could be situated indeed in the very beginning of the teaching-learning process, even before entering the classrooms: the phase in which a teacher choose the practices and objects by means of whom introducing and work with real numbers and the continuum. In particular the choice of the objects involved in the practice seemed to be relevant, since every object emerge from previous practices and its meaning is identified by the practices in which it emerged. Thus we got interested in investigating the personal factors that affect the process of selection of practices: personal meaning, goals and orientations, as it was stressed by Schoenfeold in his goal-oriented decision-making approach to the analysis of teachers choices. Furthermore we decided to explore the teachers' choices of sequences of practices and of representation of the mathematical objects and then to evaluate their suitability in relation to the literature review concerning students' difficulties with real numbers and to the complexity of the mathematical object as it emerge from an historical analysis. After having analysed the theoretical frameworks in mathematics education that could permit us to carry out our research, we decided to use the OSA, (onto-semiotioc approach) elaborated by Godino, Batanero & Font, described in their paper in 2007, and some evolutions like the CDM (conoscimiento didactico matematico) model proposed by Godino in 2009. We evaluated also other frameworks, in particular the ATD (Chevallard, 2014), but we found the OSA better for the analysis we would like to carry out. In particular the operationalization of the methodologies of analysis of the teachers' personal meaning of mathematical objects and the construct of didactical suitability were more effective for our porpouses. Our main results are the following: mny teachers' personal meanings of real numbers are far from the epistemic one; many of the teachers who studied real numbers at a formal level at school and at the University and perceived them as difficult and unuseful try to avoid to deepen the issues concerning real numbers with their stundent, thinking they would not understand; in general the experiences as students affect the teachers' choices; the teachers usually refer to real numbers also when the meaning is partial and doesn't coincide with one of the most general epistemic meanings of real numbers; very few teachers are aware of the complexity of the real numbers and are as aware of it to be able to control the relations between their many facets; also the teachers with a PhD in Mathematics operate choices that we can evaluate as unsuitable standing on the literature review and our framework; the teacher consider very hard to work with discrete and dense sets and prefer the intuitive approach to continuous sets rather then deepen the relation between dense and continuous sets, different degrees of infinity and so on; some teachers reasoning during the interviews changed their mind, getting aware of the complexity and admitting that simplifying too much can constitute a further cause of difficulty; the teachers refer to the students difficulties to justify their choice of simplifying, but when they face some crucial issues, often they admit to consider them unuseful or too difficult; nevertheless no teachers declare that would renounce to introduce the field of real numbers, at least intuitively; the most of the teachers declare that nothing more is introduced about real numbers in the last years and that the partial meanings introduced in the first years are used to face the Calculus problems (intuItive approach to the Calculus); all the teachers consider necessary to introduce R or adequate subsets of R as domains of the functions expressed analytically because of their continuous graphic. The thesis addresses the topics of investigating teachers' declared choices of practices concerning real numbers and the continuum in the high school in Italy, evaluating their didactical suitability and the impact of a deep reflexion about some historical and didactical issues on the teachers' decision-making process. Our research hypothesis was that teachers' choices of teaching sequences concerning real numbers, with particular attention to the representations of real numbers, could be very relevant in order to interpret some of the well-known students' difficulties. After a pilot study in form of a teaching experiment and a literature review concerning students' and teachers' difficulties with real numbers and the continuum, we observed that some causes of potential difficulties could be situated indeed in the very beginning of the teaching-learning process, even before entering the classrooms: the phase in which a teacher choose the practices and objects by means of whom introducing and work with real numbers and the continuum. In particular the choice of the objects involved in the practice seemed to be relevant, since every object emerge from previous practices and its meaning is identified by the practices in which it emerged. Thus we got interested in investigating the personal factors that affect the process of selection of practices: personal meaning, goals and orientations, as it was stressed by Schoenfeold in his goal-oriented decision-making approach to the analysis of teachers choices. Furthermore we decided to explore the teachers' choices of sequences of practices and of representation of the mathematical objects and then to evaluate their suitability in relation to the literature review concerning students' difficulties with real numbers and to the complexity of the mathematical object as it emerge from an historical analysis. After having analysed the theoretical frameworks in mathematics education that could permit us to carry out our research, we decided to use the OSA, (onto-semiotioc approach) elaborated by Godino, Batanero & Font, described in their paper in 2007, and some evolutions like the CDM (conoscimiento didactico matematico) model proposed by Godino in 2009. We evaluated also other frameworks, in particular the ATD (Chevallard, 2014), but we found the OSA better for the analysis we would like to carry out. In particular the operationalization of the methodologies of analysis of the teachers' personal meaning of mathematical objects and the construct of didactical suitability were more effective for our porpouses. Our main results are the following: mny teachers' personal meanings of real numbers are far from the epistemic one; many of the teachers who studied real numbers at a formal level at school and at the University and perceived them as difficult and unuseful try to avoid to deepen the issues concerning real numbers with their stundent, thinking they would not understand; in general the experiences as students affect the teachers' choices; the teachers usually refer to real numbers also when the meaning is partial and doesn't coincide with one of the most general epistemic meanings of real numbers; very few teachers are aware of the complexity of the real numbers and are as aware of it to be able to control the relations between their many facets; also the teachers with a PhD in Mathematics operate choices that we can evaluate as unsuitable standing on the literature review and our framework; the teacher consider very hard to work with discrete and dense sets and prefer the intuitive approach to continuous sets rather then deepen the relation between dense and continuous sets, different degrees of infinity and so on; some teachers reasoning during the interviews changed their mind, getting aware of the complexity and admitting that simplifying too much can constitute a further cause of difficulty; the teachers refer to the students difficulties to justify their choice of simplifying, but when they face some crucial issues, often they admit to consider them unuseful or too difficult; nevertheless no teachers declare that would renounce to introduce the field of real numbers, at least intuitively; the most of the teachers declare that nothing more is introduced about real numbers in the last years and that the partial meanings introduced in the first years are used to face the Calculus problems (intutive approach to the Calculus); all the teachers consider necessary to introduce R or adequate subsets of R as domains of the functions expressed analytically because of their continuous graphic.
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