

Penalty Function Methods for the Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Obstacle Problems with Finite Elements

W. Werner


Sobolev spaceNonlinear systemRate of convergenceApplied MathematicsObstacleVariational inequalityComputational MechanicsApplied mathematicsPenalty methodFinite element methodMathematicsMathematical physics


A class of penalty function methods for the solution of nonlinear variational inequalities with obstacles ⩽ 0 fur alle v ⩾ ψ in the Sobolev space W1, p (ω) is studied. The (nonlinear) penalty equations are solved by finite element techniques; the order of convergence of this procedure which depends on the regularity of the solution as well as on the finite elements used is investigated. Eine Klasse von Penalty-Methoden zur Losung nichtlinearer Variationsungleichungen mit Hindernisnebenbedingungen ⩽ 0 fur alle v ⩾ ψ im Sobolev Raum W1, p (ω) wird untersucht. Die (nichtlinearen) Penalty-Gleichungen werden mit Hilfe der Finite Elemente Methode gelost; die Konvergenzordnung dieses Verfahrens, welche von der Regularitat der Losung und den verwendeten Finiten Elementen abhangt, wird hergeleitet.
