

The first milestone in psychoeducational intervention in Spain: the Medical and Educational Psychology Laboratory of the National Patronage for the Handicapped

María J. Monteagudo-sotoMauricio Chisvert-perales


Psicologiabusiness.industryEvaluation methodsPedagogyEducational psychologyMedicinePsychoeducational interventionEducació especialbusinessHumanities


espanolLa intervencion psicopedagogica terapeutica supone el inicio de una importante vertiente del trabajo psicotecnico en Espana, destacando especialmente la atencion al ambito infantil, que propiciara la creacion de instituciones como el Patronato Nacional de Anormales, que supondra un referente para el trabajo conjunto de profesionales del ambito medico, pedagogico y psicologico. Este trabajo analiza los primeros anos del Patronato, centrandose en sus objetivos e ideario de funcionamiento y, especialmente en la creacion en 1914 del Laboratorio Medico y de Psicologia Pedagogica y en el trabajo que alli realizaron autores proximos a la psiquiatria infantil como Rodriguez Lafora y Achucarro. Desde este laboratorio, en su breve historia, destacara por la propuesta de instrumentos de evaluacion como la ficha biografica, medica y psicologica, que permitirian el diagnostico, tratamiento y tutelaje posterior de los menores en esta institucion y que suponen un antecedente de la actual aproximacion multidisciplinar en ese ambito. Se han analizado diversas publicaciones y normativa de la epoca que nos desvelan las dificultades con las que se desarrollo este proyecto, condicionado por el contexto politico de la epoca y caracterizado por profundos desencuentros y controversias en materia de educacion especial entre la perspectiva medica y psicopedagogica. Este analisis nos brinda evidencia de como el Laboratorio del Patronato Nacional de Anormales, a pesar de su corta historia, supuso un referente fundamental en el inicio de la practica psicopedagogica en Espana EnglishTherapeutic psycho-educational intervention marks the start of an important aspect of the psychotechnical work in Spain and places particular emphasis on attention to children. This attention has fostered the creation of institutions such as the National Council for Deaf-Mutes, the Blind, and Mentally Handicapped people, proposed as a model for the joint work of professionals in the medical, educational, and psychological fields. This paper addresses the historical trajectory of the first years of the Council, focusing on its objectives and ideology and, more specifically, on the creation, in 1914, of the Medical and Educational Psychology Laboratory and the work carried out there by authors closely involved in pedagogy and child psychiatry, such as Rodriguez Lafora. This laboratory, in spite of its “short history”, stood out for its use of evaluation methods such as the biographical, medical and psychological record book, which allowed the diagnosis, subsequent treatment, and protection of the children in this institution and was the precedent for the current multidisciplinary evaluation in this field. Based on these aims, several publications and regulations have been analyzed from that time, showing the difficulties involved in performing this work, conditioned by the political momentum of the time and controversies related to special education. All these aspects allow us to confirm that this National Council for the Handicapped marked an important milestone in the practice of educational psychology in Spain.
