

Linkage to chromosome 1p36 for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder traits in school and home settings.

Richard P. EbsteinPhilip AshersonBenjamin M. NealeHenrik UebelStephen V. FaraoneXiaohui XuWai ChenMichael GillEric TaylorFruhling RijsdijkCathelijne J. M. BuschgensJan K. BuitelaarRobert D. OadesKaixin ZhouAribert RothenbergerEllen A. FliersBarbara FrankeRafaela MarcoDesmond CampbellAisling MulliganAisling MulliganTobias BanaschewskiIris ManorHerbert RoeyersAna MirandaNanda RommelseLena JohanssonMargaret ThompsonRichard AnneyJoseph A. SergeantUeli C MüllerEdmund J.s. Sonuga-barkeHanna ChristiansenIsabel GabriëlsLamprini PsychogiouKeeley J. BrookesFernando MulasHans-christoph SteinhausenPak C. ShamPak C. ShamJacques Eisenberg


MaleAdolescentGenetics and epigenetic pathways of disease [NCMLS 6]Genetic LinkageMedizin610 Medicine & healthSingle-nucleotide polymorphismLocus (genetics)Quantitative trait locusNeuroinformatics [DCN 3]Social EnvironmentMental health [NCEBP 9]ArticleWhite PeopleDyslexiaGenomic disorders and inherited multi-system disorders [IGMD 3]03 medical and health sciences0302 clinical medicineCognitive neurosciences [UMCN 3.2]Genetic linkagemental disordersmedicinePerception and Action [DCN 1]HumansAttention deficit hyperactivity disorderddc:610Medizinische Fakultät » Universitätsklinikum Essen » LVR-Klinikum Essen » Klinik für Psychiatrie Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie des Kindes- und JugendaltersChildBiological PsychiatryGenetics0303 health sciencesSchools030305 genetics & heredityDyslexia10058 Department of Child and Adolescent PsychiatryHeritabilitymedicine.disease030227 psychiatryPhenotypeGenetic defects of metabolism [UMCN 5.1]Attention Deficit Disorder with HyperactivityChromosomes Human Pair 1Child PreschoolTraitFemalePsychology2803 Biological PsychiatryFunctional Neurogenomics [DCN 2]


Contains fulltext : 69485.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Closed access) BACKGROUND: Limited success has been achieved through previous attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) linkage scans, which were all designed to map genes underlying the dichotomous phenotype. The International Multi-centre ADHD Genetics (IMAGE) project performed a whole genome linkage scan specifically designed to map ADHD quantitative trait loci (QTL). METHODS: A set of 1094 single selected Caucasian ADHD nuclear families was genotyped on a highly accurate and informative single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) panel. Two quantitative traits measuring the children's symptoms in home and school settings were collected and standardized according to a population sample of 8000 children to reflect the developmental nature and gender prevalence difference of ADHD. Univariate linkage test was performed on both traits and their mean score. RESULTS: A significant common linkage locus was found at chromosome 1p36 with a locus-specific heritability of 5.1% and a genomewide empirical p < .04. Setting-specific suggestive linkage signals were also found: logarithm of odds (LOD) = 2.2 at 9p23 for home trait and LOD = 2.6 at 11q21 for school trait. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that given large samples with proper phenotypic measures, searching for ADHD genes with a QTL strategy is an important alternative to using the clinical diagnosis. The fact that our linkage region 1p36 overlaps with the dyslexia QTL DYX8 further suggests it is potentially a pleiotropic locus for ADHD and dyslexia.
