

Study of the impact of viticultural practices on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with vines

Pierre-antoine Noceto


nutrients cycle[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]diversité taxonomiquecycle des nutrimentsmycorhize à arbusculesarbuscular mycorrhizacouvert végétalcover cropsvignegrapevinetaxonomic diversity


Arbuscular mycorrhiza, a mutualistic symbiosis established between plants andarbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), providesmany ecosystem services such as improved soilstructure, increased plant growth and nutrition,and improved tolerance to biotic and abioticstresses. However, intensive agricultural practicesand the use of phytosanitary products as forexample herbicide and fungicides, have a strongimpact on communities of soil microorganisms,including arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, as well ason biological mechanisms within the ecosystem.This thesis wotk is part of the European Biovineproject supported by the European Commissionthrough the CORE Organic Cofund.The aim of this research work was to determinethe influence of plant diversity, within a cover, onthe structure of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungicommunitiesassociated with grapevine, but also on thebiological functioning of the soil (microbialenzymatic activities). Our research also led us tostudy the effect of the genetic variability ofgrapevine in the structuring of arbuscularmycorrhizal fungi communities. On this point, aneffect of rootstock and grape variety on thecomposition of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungicommunity was shown. However, this did notmodify the Shannon diversity indices. Theinfluence of grapevine age on the organisation ofarbuscular mycorrhizal fungi communities wasalso studied. In a Champagne vineyard, we wereable to show a significant change in thecomposition of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungicommunities between a recently plantedvineyard and old grapevines, suggesting a role forgrapevine vigour, carbon allocation on therecruitment of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungicommunities
