

Probing mechanical quantum coherence with an ultracold-atom meter

G. M. PalmaMauro PaternostroN. Lo GulloTh. Busch


Angular momentumCantileverRadiation-pressureResonatorNanocantileverFOS: Physical sciences01 natural sciencesSettore FIS/03 - Fisica Della Materia010305 fluids & plasmaslaw.inventionSpinlawUltracold atomQuantum mechanics0103 physical sciencesMicromirrorOptical cavity010306 general physicsQuantumCondensed Matter::Quantum GasesPhysicsQuantum PhysicsBose-Einstein condensateCondensed Matter::OtherCavity quantum electrodynamicsBose Einstein Condensate Atomic physics quantum measurementOptomechanicsAtomic and Molecular Physics and OpticsComputer Science::OtherDynamicsQuantum Gases (cond-mat.quant-gas)Quantum Physics (quant-ph)Condensed Matter - Quantum GasesStateBose–Einstein condensateCoherence (physics)


We propose a scheme to probe quantum coherence in the state of a nano-cantilever based on its magnetic coupling (mediated by a magnetic tip) with a spinor Bose Einstein condensate (BEC). By mapping the BEC into a rotor, its coupling with the cantilever results in a gyroscopic motion whose properties depend on the state of the cantilever: the dynamics of one of the components of the rotor angular momentum turns out to be strictly related to the presence of quantum coherence in the state of the cantilever. We also suggest a detection scheme relying on Faraday rotation, which produces only a very small back-action on the BEC and it is thus suitable for a continuous detection of the cantilever's dynamics.
