

Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry characterization of historical varnishes of ancient Italian lutes and violin

C. BenoitJuan Peris-vicenteJean-philippe EchardJosé Vicente Gimeno-adelantadoV. MaleckiStéphane Vaiedelich


food.ingredientVarnishHistory 18th CenturyMass spectrometryBiochemistryGas Chromatography-Mass SpectrometryAnalytical ChemistryHistory 17th CenturyViolinfoodTriterpenoidLinseed oilPaintEnvironmental ChemistryOrganic ChemicalsSpectroscopyHistory 15th CenturyChromatographyChemistryHistory MedievalItalyVenice turpentineHistory 16th Centuryvisual_artvisual_art.visual_art_mediumGas chromatographyGas chromatography–mass spectrometryMusic


The organic constituents of historical vanishes from two ancient Italian lutes and a Stradivari violin, kept in the Musée de la musique in Paris, have been characterized using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Results have been compared with the chromatograms and mass spectra of recent as well as old naturally aged reference materials. The three historical varnishes analyzed have been shown to be oil varnishes, probably mixtures of linseed oil with resins. Identification of diterpenoids and triterpenoids compounds, and of the resins that may have been ingredients of the varnishes, are discussed in this paper.
