Students’ Interpretations of a Persuasive Multimodal Video About Vaccines
Eija RäikkönenBlaine E. SmithCarita KiiliMiika Marttunensubject
Linguistics and Languagemedia_common.quotation_subject050801 communication & media studiesThinking skillsLanguage and LinguisticsLiteracyEducationArgumentation theoryMultimodality0508 media and communicationsnuoretargumentationMathematics educationComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATIONadolescentsmedialukutaitomultimodalitymultimodaalisuusDigital literacymedia_commonLanguage arts4. Education05 social sciences050301 educationComprehensionymmärtäminenmonilukutaito5141 SociologyTask analysisargumentointi516 Educational sciencescomprehensionPsychology0503 educationdescription
The present study investigated students’ (N = 404) interpretations of the main message and use of modes in a persuasive multimodal video on vaccines. It also examined whether students’ topic knowledge, language arts grades, and self-identified gender were associated with their interpretations. Students analyzed a YouTube video in which two entertainers demonstrated the importance of vaccinating children. Students’ interpretations of the usefulness of vaccines varied in terms of quality of reasoning, which was associated with students’ topic knowledge. Notably, many students’ interpretations of the use of modes were incomplete, or they did not even mention certain modes in their response. The results suggest that students should be explicitly taught how to interpret different modes and their uses for argumentative purposes. publishedVersion Peer reviewed
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2021-04-24 |