

Teoría de la educación : revista interuniversitaria

José Peirats ChacónÁNgel San Martín Alonso


Tecnologia educativasistema educativoEducaciónorganizaciónadministración educativasistema de enseñanzalcsh:Education (General)Educationorganización de profesorestransferencia de tecnologíapolítica de la educacióncentro de enseñanzatecnologíalcsh:L7-991descentralización


Our aim is to investigate the complex relationship between digital technologies in schools and the decentralization policies, as well as the implications of the resulting pedagogical model. The theoretical framework is grounded in the field of «new public management» which emphasizes the application of indicators, assessments, regulations and self-directed learning as the «management» instruments of organizations. To what extent these policies influence the restructuring of the teaching model? The materials and data of an research project, in which we employ fieldwork survey, observation in schools, interviews, documental analysis and discussion groups, allow us to empirically substantiate the discussion about the three issues which we break down the main objective in. We conclude that decisions on equipment are decentralized, management tasks are increased at the expense of teaching tasks and management is recentralized by the imposition of standards.
