

Creative Cities in Italy: new scenarios and projects

Maurizio Carta


Creative Cities Urban regeneration Urban PolicySettore ICAR/21 - Urbanistica


Reflections on and experimentation with urban creativity as a competitive factor put together in recent years, starting with the works of Florida and Landry, gave rise to further theoretical/operative reflections aimed at providing a greater territorial dimension to the creative city, lessening the rhetorical character and increasing that of the concrete effects on the quality of life. In 2007 my book “Creative City: Dynamics, Innovations, Actions” identified the need for concrete evolution and pointed out the factors that make it possible for urban creativity to become a launch pad for new economies and a creative force for new cities and not simply an attractive force for intellectual resources. Today the paradigm of the creative city calls for a further evolutive leap forward – the third – because it is capable of producing multiplication and regeneration effects on urban development.
