

Palermo, quartieri e periferie: “azioni guida” nel palinsesto urbano

Emanuele Palazzotto


Settore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E UrbanaPalermo neighbourhoods and suburbs guiding measures urban settingpalinsesto urbano recupero quartieri azioni guida


The method of choice for the local coordination work led by the Palermo unit interpreted the common requests for the National PRIN on “the upgrading and rehabilitation of the public housing sector”, focusing its attention on the multiple scenarios and using the architectural project as a powerful “working tool”. From the project examination on the specific cases and the theories put forward by the group of designers – considering the different design approaches – it seems possible to extrapolate some recurring actions – on the basis of the results achieved – which might be considered as a reference structure for the definition of those “guidelines” representing the final target of the research work. It is possible to define an abacus of archetypal categories/actions resulting from the extrapolation of thematic priorities present in the proposals of intervention which are clear references in the internal processes of the specific architectural and urban design specifications.The words connecting, distinguishing, spinning, limiting, completing, imagining will identify six “thematic” actions for the project subjects, giving the projects and their upgrading intent a full “sense” which we could define as “guidelines”. These will have to enter the program logic, driving them to a broader dimension of the urban, physical and cultural system they have to interact with.
