

Analisi dei ricorsi "avverso giudizio del Medico Competente (M.C.)" inoltrati all'U.O.S. " Prevenzione Sanitaria e Epidemiologia occupazionale" del Servizio di Prevenzione e sicurezza negli Ambienti di Lavoro" dell'ASP di Palermo nel periodo 2008-2010

Maria Grazia Laura MarsalaMariagrazia MoriciGuido LaccaL CurcurùE CostagliolaS IlardoE TrapaniR CaracausiAlberto Firenze


judgement for work Occupational Physician PalermoOccupational physicianPublic Health Environmental and Occupational HealthJudgment for workPalermo


The purpose of this study is to analyze the appeals against a "suitability judgment for work" lodged to the U.O.S. "Health Prevention and Occupational Epidemiology Operative Unit" of Department of Prevention and Safety in the Working Environment within the ASP Palermo (U.O.S.), from 2008 to 2010. Studying the appeals gives an indirect view on the occupational physician activity and allows to monitor their actions, analysis aims at highlighting those issues around which any planning and implementation of coordination activities should be focused. © PI-ME, Pavia 2012.
