

Les compétences sociales : quels apports dans la compréhension des différences de réussite à l'école primaire ?

Sophie Morlaix


School achievementModèle structural[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationSocial skillModèle LisrelCompétence SocialeCaractéristique individuelle[ SHS.EDU ] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationIndividual characteristicInégalité de réussiteStructural modelRéussite scolaireDifférence individuelleComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUSLISREL


This research aims at putting forward a measure and an identification of social competences in primary level, and to show the interest of the taking into account of these cross competences in the learning and in the achievement. It based on ultidisciplinary approach. It allows refining the tools as well conceptual as methodological being used to define and to measure social competences. To this extent, it will draw close connections between the work of scholars in areas beyond the strict sphere of educational research, including educational psychology, economics and the sociology of education with the common concern for reaching a better comprehension in the variability of school acquisitions. This project will break up into several stages: in the first time, it will allow to establish a typology of these social competences, in the second time, it will allow an empirical measurement of these various types of social competences by econometric models, and in the last time, it will attach to measure their impact on academic success when achieving primary school.
