

The Market Reorientation of Farms: The Case of Olive Growing in the Nebrodi Area

Riccardo TestaFilippo SgroiEnrica DoniaSalvatore TudiscaAnna Maria Di Trapani


MarketingNatural resource economicsAgricultural ecosystemsRural tourismterritorySafeguardingMarket positioningolive-growingSettore AGR/01 - Economia Ed Estimo RuraleProduction (economics)EcosystemBusinessMarketingRural areaBusiness and International ManagementTourismbusiness strategieFood Science


In addition to safeguarding the landscape, olive growing makes a unique contribution to protecting the environment and the agricultural ecosystem. Olive growing in mountainous and hilly areas is severely constrained by structural limitations. Rural tourism can be a potential strategy to increase the competitiveness of olive-growing activities. After an initial analysis of the relationship between landscape, tourism, and olive growing, this study focused on olive growing in the Nebrodi area. In particular, we examined two case studies of olive farms to analyze the related production costs and market positioning strategies.
