

Entry of Human Parechovirus 1

Timo HyypiäJyrki HeinoCamilla KrogerusVarpu MarjomäkiPäivi Joki-korpelaPäivi Joki-korpela


PicornavirusEndosomeImmunologyEndocytic cycleGolgi ApparatusHuman parechovirus 1EndosomesPicornaviridaePlatelet Membrane GlycoproteinsEndoplasmic ReticulumVirus ReplicationCaveolinsMicrobiologyClathrinEEA103 medical and health sciencessymbols.namesakeCapsidAntigens CDVirologyTumor Cells CulturedHumans030304 developmental biologyHost cell surface0303 health sciencesbiology030302 biochemistry & molecular biologyIntegrin beta3Clathrin-Coated VesiclesIntegrin alphaVGolgi apparatusbiology.organism_classificationVirologyClathrinEndocytosisVirus-Cell Interactions3. Good healthCell biologyInsect Sciencesymbolsbiology.proteinReceptors Virus


ABSTRACT Human parechovirus 1 (HPEV-1) is a prototype member of parechoviruses, a recently established picornavirus genus. Although there is preliminary evidence that HPEV-1 recognizes α V integrins as cellular receptors, our understanding of early events during HPEV-1 infection is still very limited. The aim of this study was to clarify the entry mechanisms of HPEV-1, including the attachment of the virus onto the host cell surface and subsequent internalization. In blocking experiments with monoclonal antibodies against different receptor candidates, antibodies against α V and β 3 integrin subunits, in particular in combination, appeared to be the most efficient ones in preventing the HPEV-1 infection. To find out whether HPEV-1 uses clathrin-coated vesicles or other routes for the entry into the host cell, we carried out double-labeling experiments of virus-infected cells with anti-HPEV-1 antibodies and antibodies against known markers of the clathrin and the caveolin routes. At the early phase of infection (5 min postinfection [p.i.]) HPEV-1 colocalized with EEA1 (early endosomes), and later, after 30 min p.i., it colocalized with mannose-6-phosphate receptor (late endosomes), whereas no colocalization with caveolin-1 was observed. The data indicate that HPEV-1 utilizes the clathrin-dependent endocytic pathway for entry into the host cells. Interestingly, endocytosed HPEV-1 capsid proteins were observed in the endoplasmic reticulum and cis -Golgi network 30 to 60 min p.i. Depolymerization of microtubules with nocodazole inhibited translocation of the virus to the late endosomes but did not block HPEV-1 replication, suggesting that the RNA genome may be released early during the entry process.
