

The Nature of Mathematics – an interview with Professor Karlis Podnieks

Karlis PodnieksJohn Tabak


B Philosophy (General)


Many people think that mathematical models are built using well-known “mathematical things” such as numbers and geometry. But since the 19th century, mathematicians have investigated various non-numerical and non-geometrical structures: groups, fields, sets, graphs, algorithms, categories etc. What could be the most general distinguishing feature that would separate mathematical models from non-mathematical ones? I would describe this feature by using such terms as autonomous, isolated, stable, self-contained, and – as a summary – formal. Autonomous and isolated – because mathematical models can be investigated “on their own” in isolation from the modeled objects. And one can do this for many years without any external information flow. Stable – because any modification of a mathematical model is qualified explicitly as defining a new model. No implicit modifications are allowed. Self- contained – because all properties of a mathematical model must be formulated explicitly. The term “formal model” can be used to summarize all these features.
