

Esposizione e vulnerabilità sismica dell'edilizia residenziale del centro storico di Caltabellotta

Colajanni PAccardi MD’anna JDi Gesaro GLa Mendola LPagnotta SPennisi S


Settore ICAR/09 - Tecnica Delle CostruzioniSettore ICAR/11 - Produzione EdiliziaSeismic vulnerability historic centre typologies


Aiming at evaluating the seismic vulnerability of the old town of Caltabellotta, first the main characteristics of the new survey cards CARTIS for the structural typology characterization recently developed, and the bases of the macroseismic method for seismic vulnerability and fragility curve estimation, are briefly summarized. Then, the main typological and structural characteristics of the house typology in the historic centre of Caltabellotta are described, providing a synthetic estimate of the vulnerability and highlighting the probability of reaching predetermined levels of damage in relation to the intensity of the expected earthquake (fragility curves). This information, combined with the seismic hazard maps of the territory made available by the New Technical Construction Standards, allow to present damage distribution scenarios. Finally, the results of the prediction of exposure and seismic vulnerability for the houses in the historic centre of Caltabellotta are compared, obtained with databases of different levels of accuracy. In particular, the results obtained on the basis of the estimation of the characteristics and the distribution of the typologies derived from the use of the CARTIS cards at sector scale are compared, also highlighting the degree of reliability of the results obtained on the basis of interviews with several technicians operating in the area, with those obtained through an expeditious survey from the outside of the construction features on a house scale.
