

Growth, Yield and Fruit Quality of 'Peluche' Loquat under Windbreak Nets.

F. BaroneVittorio FarinaR. Lo Bianco


Settore AGR/03 - Arboricoltura Generale E Coltivazioni ArboreeEriobotrya japonica protected cultivationEriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. loquat protection systems.


The advantages of protecting 6-year-old ‘Peluche’ loquat trees (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) with nets were investigated in Sicily. Vegetative and reproductive growth were measured on 20 trees under net protection and 20 in open field conditions. A neutral, 50% windbreak net (yielding 70% of light penetration) was positioned around the field and above trees to cut down wind action and other occasional extreme atmospheric phenomena. Side openings were left on the nets to provide the entrance for pollinators. Compared to trees in the open field, trees under nets showed increased vigor (trunk cross-sectional area) and fruit growth (relative growth rate), and higher yields due also to larger fruit. In addition, fruit from protected trees had an increased flesh thickness (indicating better hydration) and a reduction in russet. The results of this trial indicate that protecting ‘Peluche’ trees with windbreak nets may be a promising technique for improving loquat fruit yields and quality in Mediterranean environments.
