

Effect of surface finish on the mechanical behaviour of Dacron© 360 woven

Luigi PalizzoloSalvatore BenfratelloAntonino Cirello


Environmental EngineeringMaterials scienceManufacturing processbusiness.industryDacron Mechanical behavior Woven Surface finishOcean EngineeringSurface finishYarnStructural engineeringTreatment resultschemistry.chemical_compoundchemistryvisual_artUltimate tensile strengthPolyethylene terephthalatevisual_art.visual_art_mediumSettore ICAR/08 - Scienza Delle CostruzioniWeavingbusiness


Abstract In the present paper some experimental analyses of Dacron© 360 woven with and without surface treatment are presented to evaluate the effect of this treatment on the constitutive behaviour. This woven, widely adopted in sail manufacturing, is obtained by weaving polyethylene terephthalate (PET) yarn and it shows some peculiar features due to the manufacturing process. The experimental tensile tests, clearly show the orthotropy behaviour of the material. The effect of the treatment results in a stiffer behaviour especially along the warp and bias direction and in an increment of ultimate strength in all directions.
