

Correlation between Cognition and Balance among Middle-Aged and Older Adults Observed through a Tai Chi Intervention program

Tao XiaoLin YangLin YangLee SmithPaul D. LoprinziNicola VeroneseJie YaoZonghao ZhangJane Jie Yu


cognitionmedicine.medical_specialtyActivities of daily livinglcsh:BF1-990Physical fitnessalternative exerciseTimed Up and Go testcognition alternative exercise postural control equilibrium Tai Chipostural controlequilibriumTai Chi050105 experimental psychology03 medical and health sciences0302 clinical medicinemedicinePsychology0501 psychology and cognitive sciencesGeneral PsychologyOriginal ResearchBalance (ability)business.industry05 social sciencesMontreal Cognitive AssessmentCognitionlcsh:PsychologyTest scorePhysical therapybusinessPsychologyBody mass index030217 neurology & neurosurgery


Background: Age-associated decline in cognition and balance may cause severe ability loss for daily living activities among middle-aged and older adults. The relationship between cognition and balance in this aging population remains to be explored. Objective: The present study Is exploratory in nature and aimed to examine the relationship between balance (both static and dynamic components) and global cognitive function among middle-aged and older adults through Tai Chi (TC) practice as a research avenue. Methods: A short-term (12 weeks) intervention of TC was conducted among middle-aged and older adults in the community setting. Global cognitive function (using the Chinese version of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment score (MoCA) and balance (i.e., one leg standing test score; Timed Up and Go Test score, TUGT) of all participants were assessed before and after the intervention. Age, body mass index (BMI), sex, and physical fitness variables (Chair Stand Test, CST; the 6-Meter Walk Test, 6MWT) were also collected as confounding factors. Results: Significant moderator effects of baseline CST on the association between the dichotomized baseline MoCA score and the baseline left leg balance score (p = 0.0247), the baseline right leg balance score (p = 0.0140) and the baseline TUGT score (p = 0.0346) were found. Change score of left score balance (p = 0.0192) and change score of TUGT (p = 0.0162) were found to be significantly associated with change score of cognitive function. Conclusion: Cognitive function and balance are interrelated in middle-aged and older adults. The association between global cognitive function and balance Is moderated by strength of lower limbs. The change scores of cognitive function and balance introduced by TC training were found to be positively correlated. Future research Is warranted to further confirm the cause-effect relationship of cognitive function and balance and its influencing factors among middle-aged and older adults utilizing intervention studies with larger sample sizes. © Copyright © 2020 Xiao, Yang, Smith, Loprinzi, Veronese, Yao, Zhang and Yu.
