

Selective recognition of small hydrogen bond acceptors by a calix[6]arene-based molecular container

Ivan JabinMichel LuhmerRoy LavendommeSteven MoerkerkeFlorent DesrochesJohan WoutersKari RissanenFilip Topić


Primary (chemistry)010405 organic chemistryChemistryHydrogen bondGeneral Chemistry010402 general chemistryContainer (type theory)01 natural sciencesCombinatorial chemistry0104 chemical scienceskemialliset sidoksetmacrocyclesMolecular recognitionCalixarenehalogeenisidoksetChimiemolecular recognitionCalixarenesinclusion complexeshost-guest


Selective molecular recognition is of primary importance for applications such as sensing and separation of chemicals. This work describes the host-guest and crystallisation properties of a penta-carbamated calix[6]arene designed as a molecular container with a H-donating recognition group directed towards the heart of the cavity. As demonstrated by NMR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction studies, this macrocyclic receptor can selectively recognise small H-bond acceptors through one or two hydrogen bonds, the guests nesting inside the polyaromatic cavity surrounded by eleven bulky tert-butyl groups.
