

The Global Soil Mycobiome consortium dataset for boosting fungal diversity research

Eske De CropAnnemieke VerbekenCathy SharpJaan PärnVladimir S. MikryukovKarin PritschR. Henrik NilssonJose G. Maciá-vicenteVladimir G. OnipchenkoCésar MarínKassim I. TchanSten AnslanKadri RunnelD. Q. DaiIsabel C. BarrioMiklós BálintJoosep SarapuuJacob Heilmann-clausenMarcela Eugenia Da Silva CáceresJuha M. AlataloS. V. DudovVladimir E. FedosovJohn Y. KupagmeIrma ZetturAndrea RinaldiAlessandro SaittaJelena AnkudaUrmas KõljalgUrmas KõljalgFranz BueggerNourou S. YorouAlexandre AntonelliBrendan R. FurneauxDaniyal GoharElisabeth M. BiersmaElisabeth M. BiersmaFrancis Q. BrearleyKevin K. NewshamDipon SharmahLouis J. LamitLouis J. LamitCamila Duarte RitterSergei PõlmeEvgeny A. DavydovRebeca Casique-valdésGeoffrey ZahnLeho TedersooW. A. Erandi YasanthikaInga HiiesaluYoung Woon LimAdriana CorralesCasper NyamukondiwaKristel PanksepGenevieve GatesDarta KlavinaBoris TamgnoueRoberto GodoyTalaat AhmedKessy AbarenkovKessy AbarenkovAbdul Nasir KhalidErin K. CameronMeike PiepenbringSaleh A. Al-farrajRein DrenkhanAída-m. Vasco-palaciosRoberto Garibay-orijelJoseph Djeugap FovoGregory BonitoPeter MeidlKalev AdamsonKęstutis ArmolaitisKari A. BråthenAhto AganMalka SabaPeter E. MortimerLateef A. AdebolaFelipe E. AlbornozJutamart MonkaiNiloufar Hagh-doustIndrek HiiesaluMohammad BahramTarquin NetherwayBobby P. SulistyoSaleh RahimlouSunil MundraKevin D. HydeKadri PõldmaaTerry W. HenkelOlavi KurinaTomas RoslinNalin N. WijayawardeneMarieka GryzenhoutJulieta Alvarez-manjarrezRasmus PuuseppJózsef GemlEveli OtsingMarijn BautersMaria Tuomi


PacBio sequencingFungal richnessBiotic componentEcologyEcologyBiogeographyBiodiversityGlobal datasetPlant Ecology and Nature ConservationEdaphicSoil fungiBiologyFungal richnePhylogenetic diversityMicrobial ecologyMycologySettore BIO/03 - Botanica Ambientale E ApplicataPlantenecologie en NatuurbeheerBiologieEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsMacroecology


This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review and is subject to Springer Nature’s AM terms of use, but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at https://doi.org/10.1007/s13225-021-00493-7. Fungi are highly important biotic components of terrestrial ecosystems, but we still have a very limited understanding about their diversity and distribution. This data article releases a global soil fungal dataset of the Global Soil Mycobiome consortium (GSMc) to boost further research in fungal diversity, biogeography and macroecology. The dataset comprises 722,682 fungal operational taxonomic units (OTUs) derived from PacBio sequencing of full-length ITS and 18S-V9 variable regions from 3200 plots in 108 countries on all continents. The plots are supplied with geographical and edaphic metadata. The OTUs are taxonomically and functionally assigned to guilds and other functional groups. The entire dataset has been corrected by excluding chimeras, index-switch artefacts and potential contamination. The dataset is more inclusive in terms of geographical breadth and phylogenetic diversity of fungi than previously published data. The GSMc dataset is available over the PlutoF repository.
