

Lukiolaisten vertaispalaute verkkoympäristössä

Jonna Riikonen


peer feedbackwiki-environmentpalauteverkkoympäristövertaispalautekielitaitovertaisoppiminenco-writingkielen oppiminenyhteiskirjoittaminenarviointipeers


This case study addresses high school students’ peer feedback in an online wiki-environment. In the study the students worked in three small groups and wrote short texts. Their assignment was taken from the literacy skills test of the Finnish Matriculation Examination, autumn 2010, and the source text in question was an excerpt from the novel Askeleen jäljessä (One Step Behind) by Henning Mankell. The groups gave each other feedback about their written texts, being instructed to focus on assignment, content, parse and language. My research questions were: What kind of feedback did the students give each other? How did they structure the feedback? I conducted a content analysis to analyse the students’ feedback and to consider the effect of the online environment on the process of giving feedback. My findings suggest that the feedback given was commendatory and critical but also unclear, and that a great deal of it concentrated on the content and composition of the texts. peerReviewed
