

Découverte d'un ex-voto particulier sur le site cultuel d'Essarois (Côte-d'Or) : un cas de polydactylie chez les Gallo-Romains ?

Julien CurieChristophe PetitPriscilla PonçonDominique Goguey


Anatomic votive offeringGallo-Roman sanctuary[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory[SHS.ARCHEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory[ SHS.ARCHEO ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and PrehistoryEx-voto anatomiquepolydactyliepaléopathologiesanctuaire gallo-romainpalaeopathologypolydactyly


During geo-archaeological research on the slope where the source associated with the Essarois (Côte-d'Or) cult site is located, in the locality of La Cave, an anatomic votive offering of a human foot was discovered in the alluvial sedimentary deposits. Carved from local oolitic limestone, it is rather crude in appearance but it is possible to make out that it has the unusual number of six toes. Although it may have been a blunder or the result of negligence by the sculptor, the phenomenon may equally have been a deliberate representation of a case of polydactyly, a malformation that was known in Antiquity.
