Guidelines for Youth Sports Clubs to Develop, Implement, and Assess Health Promotion Within Its Activities
Sami Kokkosubject
medicine.medical_specialtyNursing (miscellaneous)AdolescentCasualmedia_common.quotation_subjectPhysical activityNature basedVoluntary participationphysical activityGuidelines as TopicPrisonHealth Promotionterveyden edistäminenchildrennuoretHumansMedicineta315ChildExerciseFinlandlapsetmedia_commonexercisebusiness.industryPublic Health Environmental and Occupational Healthta3141Public relationsHealth promotionadolescentPhysical therapyCluburheiluseuratbusinessYouth sportshuman activitiesterveysProgram EvaluationSportsdescription
The settings approach to health promotion is a world-known concept concerning settings like city, hospital, school, and workplace. The concept has also been used in some regionally specific settings, such as island, prison, or university. However, there are still many, often noninstitutional, settings that have a lot of potential but have not yet been recognized. One of the newcomers is the youth sports club, which has the potential to reach a lot of children and adolescents and is effective, via its casual educational nature based on voluntary participation. According to research, health is an important aim for most youth sports clubs, but it has not been converted into practical actions. Indeed, the clubs often recognize the importance of healthy lifestyles, but there is a lack of understanding of what to do to reinforce it within one’s activities. That is why, on the basis of the results of the Health Promoting Sports Club survey in Finland, guidelines for clubs to enhance health promotion as a part of their activities were created. The aim of this article is to present the guidelines, theirs rationale, and practical examples.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2014-01-01 |